Chapter 17: ...But Now I'm Bleeding...

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Deep slow breaths.

Head up high.

Don't cry.

That's what tells herself to do because she knows that soon enough she's going to have to tell someone what happened.

But, Max just wants to forget it.

Pretend that it never even happened.

The pain she felt, her screams for him to stop, yelling at him that she's only 16! The ringing in her ears, the blood spread across the floor.

No one actually can prepare you for that moment. They may spread awareness, tell you to be careful with what you wear, how you act, don't walk home alone, but none of that should matter.

Girls should be able to wear shorts that show some of their ass, a top that shows some cleavage and walk home alone wearing that and not have to worry about men.

Max just lays in Lucas' bed staring up at the ceiling with thoughts running wild in her head. What if she just did one thing different? Would it never have happened? Would she be giggly and happy spending time with Lucas?

The door opening snaps Max out of her thoughts. Lucas stands by the door with a plate that if filled with pancakes, scrambled egg and bacon all drizzled with some syrup.

A small, lazy smile forms on Max's face.

"This was always your favourite, don't know if it still is but I cooked the bacon on the hob instead of the oven." says Lucas, putting the plate on his nightstand to grab a tray to place the food on.

"Here we go." He says placing the tray on Max and the food on top.

"Thank you Lucas." softly says Max as she rubs her eyes still feeling exhausted. She hasn't slept in days because she hasn't felt safe enough to do so. Max knew that this day would come, the day Neil would hurt her, but she didn't expect it to go as far as it did.

"Look as soon as you've eaten you can go back to sleep, but you need some food Max that also might be making you feel more exhausted." explains Lucas settling down next to her.

Max sighs in response knowing he's right. It's been days since Max has eaten because now that Neil's back and not working and Susan got fired from both of her jobs and is always out at some bar spending shit tons of money, Max has to work to ensure the trailer is paid for so sometimes missing out on meals is necessary.

"Okay I'll eat but under one condition." says Max turning her head to Lucas.

"And what's that?"

"That you stay with me whilst I sleep." shrugs Max.

"Alright, deal." agrees Lucas. He leans over to pinch a piece of Max's bacon, but a smack to the hand stops him.

"I said stay with me while I'm asleep not pinching my food." answers Max putting the piece of bacon in her mouth that Lucas tried to take.


The navy blue curtains sway from the light breeze that seeps through the slightly opened window. But didn't Lucas close and lock all the windows? Max's pulse starts racing, hands shaking and her bottom lip trembling.

"Please Neil stop! I'm only 16, stop!" Max says trembling. The devious smirk that crosses Neil's face sends a shiver down her spine.

"Well, your mother said that I can do whatever I want, so I'm definitely going to take her up on that offer." cackles Neil.

He lunges for Max, but she dodges it and runs into the kitchen rummaging through the drawers to try and find something to defend herself with.

It's like her fate is sealed when his hands yank her hair and force her to look up at him, "I'm going to have so much fun with you Maxine."

"Lucas please help...please." whispers Max running her hands through her hair as tears streaming down her face.

Max's head shoots up from the downstairs phone ringing. Taking steady breaths, she walks over to the door on trembling legs and slowly makes her way down the stairs.

Lucas' back is turned to Max as he talks through the phone, "Yeah she's here, but she's asleep at the moment is their anything I can help you with."

The other line starts talking, Lucas nodding his head as they speak, occasionally saying "yes" or humming.

"Next Wednesday," he takes out a pen from his pocket and writes a date on his hand, "Got it. Okay I'll let her know...yeah...okay thanks bye." Lucas finishes before he hangs up the phone.

"What's next Wednesday?" Max asks.

"Jesus!" screams Lucas throwing his hands onto his chest. Max goes down a couple more steps before walking over to Lucas, standing right in front of him.

"What's next Wednesday?" softly whispers Max looking deeply into his eyes trying to get an understanding.

Lucas takes a deep breath and interlocks his fingers in hers, placing a gentle kiss on the back of her hand, "Your neighbours called because they were worried about what was happening. The police went to your trailer and found...Neil passed out on the couch, drunk. He's admitted to what he did to you and now is denying this so there's a trail next Wednesday and you need to be there."

"Also umm..." he holds on tighter to her hands delivering another soft kiss on her hand then caresses it with his thumb, "You mum's going on the same trail. Her knowing what he was doing to you and not doing anything about it can make people face jail time, so..."

Max whispers, "I'll need to convict them both."

Lucas brings her into his arms resting his head on top on her head, his arm wrapped securely and protective around her waist. He leans out after a few long minutes of them just hugging and cradles her face, "I know this is going to be hard for you, I mean seeing Neil's face again might trigger you and resurface memories throughout the years and convicting your own mother might not be easy, but I need you to promise me that you'll be honest."

Locking her lips with his, Max whispers, "I will. I promise." She wraps her arms back around his lower waist, "Looks like I'm going to court next week."

Author's Note:

Hiya bitches! Hope you are all okay especially if you're back at school like me. 😭😭

I know this update has taken me so long to release, but with going to Wales with my family and then going back to school things has just been hectic. But, even though I am back at school I'm still going to make new chapter releases as soon as I can.

If I ever think that a chapter might be delayed then I'll put something on my profile.

Please let me know if you come across any mistakes.

Love you all,

- I

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