I'm Home - Stefan Salvatore

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These streets seemed so different yet the same all at the same time as I walked down them. I grew up in the small town of Mystic Falls back. But that was over a hundred and fifty years ago and since then I've avoided it like the black plaque. That was until today, at least.

Why did I come back? Well... I'm not sure I have a positive answer to that question myself. To be honest, word got back to me that a certain set of Salvatore brothers came back into town a few years ago and something in me clicked and I couldn't control where I was going all of a sudden.

I was very close to both Salvatore brothers back in the day, more so Stefan than Damon but, hey, I digress. When they were turned, I was devastated, cursing Katherine for doing to them what she had done to me weeks before. Making it almost impossible for me to ever go home.

Stefan had been my saving grace back then. Keeping my secret from slipping from his sweet innocent lips because he knew not only his father but mine as well would have my head if they were to ever find out. The youngest Salvatore would accept being my alibi when I went out to feed without giving it a second thought.

I was grateful to Emily for warning me about my father's plans and his inventions, allowing me to run away in enough time to not be caught up in the whole vampire killing spree. But unfortunately, it wasn't truly I who I needed to be worried about, it was my best friends.

As I walk these streets, I'm reminded about everything that had happened that God forsaken night and all of those that followed close behind it. I had seen Damon a few times after that night. Once in New York another in Chicago and once more in Los Angeles. But I was doomed not to run back into the one I truly longed to see. Stefan.

When I heard that they had both returned home, I had to take my chance in coming home myself and seeing them again. Even if it did end up being for a short time. Something just told me to come home this one time.

"(Y/N)?" I heard my name sound from behind me. To which I turned around and there before we stood Damon Salvatore himself.

I let out a breathy sigh of relief. "Damon." I said as I ran towards him.

He let go of the girl's hand he had been holding and met me halfway wrapping his arms tightly around me. "You're home." He breathed a whisper and kissed my head.

I let out a small giggle as I hugged him back. "Yeah. It seems that I just couldn't stay away forever like I had originally thought I could."

He chuckled and pulled back, leaving his hands placed upon my upper arms. "Does Stefan know?"

Shaking my head, I said "No, I literally just arrived. You found me by chance."

Damon went to say something but was cut off by the sound of someone clearing their throat from behind him. This made me look over his shoulder to actually get a good look at the girl Damon was actually traveling with. My blood boiled when I saw Katherine standing there.

He must have sensed my anger because he turned back to me and said. "(Y/N/N), I know what you are thinking. But that's not Katherine."

I looked at him with an unconvinced look plastered all over my face. "Really? Because she sure as hell looks a lot like her." I stated as I brought my arms up and rested my hands on my hips.

"I assure you she's not her." He stated and rubbed up and down my arms to calm me. "But she is her doppelganger."

My eyes snapped to his. "I'm sorry. Repeat that. Doppel-what?"

"Doppelganger." He sighed. "Look, (Y/N/N), there's a lot to explain but just know that she isn't Katherine. But family."

"I'm sorry. Did you just say family?"

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