The Tradition of Remembrance

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As Sarah and Alex continued their work at the funeral home, they shared a tradition that had been passed down through generations of morticians in their family.

It was a tradition born of reverence and compassion. Whenever they prepared a body for a funeral, they would take a moment to sit down together, usually after their work was done for the day. With a cup of tea in hand and the soft glow of candlelight illuminating their faces, they would begin to weave a fictional tapestry of the deceased person's life.

Sarah would start, her voice filled with warmth, "I heard she was a pianist, you know. A virtuoso who enchanted audiences in grand concert halls. Her fingers danced across the keys like poetry."

Alex would nod and continue, "Yes, and I heard he was a war hero, a brave soul who saved countless lives on the battlefield. He had medals from all over the world, each with its own story."

Their stories would grow, each layer revealing a new facet of the imagined life of the departed. They spoke of grand adventures, enduring love, and personal triumphs. It was a way for them to honor the deceased, to give them a life story filled with beauty and meaning.

Little by little, their fictional tales wove a rich tapestry of memories for the departed, as if they were crafting a eulogy for the soul they were preparing to send off into eternity.

This tradition not only allowed them to pay tribute to those they cared for but also brought them closer together. It was their secret world, a world where they could imagine the lives that had passed through their gentle hands.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, their stories of remembrance became an integral part of their shared experience, and it was through these stories that Sarah and Alex found a profound connection that transcended the boundaries of their profession.

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