When green and blue meet

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I hate this chapter kinda but am also kinda proud of it! Hope you enjoy!
Yes there are a lot of grammatical mistakes my bad I'll edit this later I just wanted to get this out!

"I threw myself to the wolfs, only to learn the tenderness of their howl, and the loyalty in their blood."
- THE WOLVES, Isra Al-Thibeh

Sansa watched the people dance around as Maragrey and Joeferry sat at the table looking down. Sansa didn't know where to look. The towns people brought to much nostalgia. Maragery brought to much envey. Joffrey to much hatred.

She missed the parties thrown in Winterfell. Her home. It felt so distant to call it home now. Though she would never call the Red Keep her home. It was just a roof over her head. Not a home.

Northerners were a thousand times more interesting than any Kings Landing citizen or lords or ladies. They always had a story. Not a prim proper one that she couldn't even bring herself to pretend to care about that she had been told here. War tales or just drunken stories. Stuff that shouldn't have even been funny but the way it was told was.

She wishes she could go back in time and punch herself in the face for how she spent the whole time get Joffrey's attention and paid more attention to her family around her. Joined Robb, Jon, and Theon listening to one of Uncle Benjen's tales. Rickon refusing to eat anything on his plate no matter how hard mother and father had tried. Though then he'd steal handfulls off his parents plates. Jory introducing Bran to the new knights and old who knew Bran from past meetings. Arya baltering around across the floor bumping into many northern lords and their dancing partners.

Ned laughed. Catelyn couldn't keep the amused smile off her face. The three older boys just laughed and clapped overdramatically cheering at her terrible but funny dancemoves. Arya would becon her family to dance with her. Bran would leave his conversation and they would grab eachothers hands as they moved in cricles pulling eachother with them. Not a fancy kings landing dance. A dance that was really just a game but it was more funny than regular dancing. Sansa would usually walk down then the oldest three boys then little Rickon would woddle down.

The last feast that was held in Winterfell didn't have a dance. Sansa at the time thanked the old gods and the new that she wasn't embarrassed infront of Joferry. Now Sansa finds herself deeply saddened by the fact.

Joffery's death wasn't long enough. Sansa didn't know if any amount of time would ever be long enough. She thought she could likely watch his struggling form for hours of the day. It was pituiful sure. The panicked eyes and his mother's cries.

Sansa thinks back to her father's head that she stared at till she saw read that day. Sansa thinks back to Lady. She thinks back to the butchers boy and Arya's tears.

He deserved worse.


Petyr Baelish was an interesting character. Sure he had taught her many things just as Cersei had. Though just like Cersei, he was untrustworthy. Sansa hadn't heard a lot about Littlefinger before she went to Kings Landing with her father. Sure she heard rumors and she still hears rumors. Though she's heard enough rumors to know most of the are horseshit.

Sansa heard many whispers when the king came to vist and far more when she stayed in Kingslanding. The southerners loved gossip.

("The youngest Stark girl looks a lot like her bastard brother." She heard one of the lesser known Ladies whisper to her lord husband.

"I think she looks just like her father." The lord said though he had a hint of a sneering expression on his face. As if looking like her father was a horrible thing. Sansa didn't know his name and the only reason she would want to know it was if she was going to give it to someone to put the couple in their place.

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