Delilah pulled back and looked at the girls, the last thing she has from Allison and now Elijah, even though they both looked identical there are some things that one twin has that the other doesn't. Hopes eyes are blue, Faith eyes are green. They both have auburn hair but Hope has streaks of brown from Allison. The two look alike but right now Delilah could see the differences in each girl that they get from their parents

"Lilah" Aaron stepped behind her laying on her lower back, Delilah looked at him over her shoulder tears filling her eyes again "Oh Lilah" he pulled her back into a hug rubbing her back as she wrapped her arms around his waist. The girls and Jack stared at their mother and father worriedly wondering what happened

The girls were more worried than Jack, they know their mother and she never cried unless she felt she was going to lose someone. They'd seen it when they were younger when she thought she was going to lose their grandmother, they saw it when they were saved and she thought she was going to lose them, Faith saw it when they thought they were going to lose Hope. Whatever happened means they lost someone or were going to lose someone

"Uh, girls" Delilah pulled back wiping her eyes "We need to talk. It's about your father" the twins shared looks before nodding and sitting on the sofa "I'll be in the other room if you need me" Aaron whispered, Lilah nodded as Aaron took Jack out of the room

Delilah sighed and sat in-between her girls "As you guys know we just got back from a case and your dad was there...Uh he wanted to see you girls but he wasn't in the right head space"

Faith and Hope looked at each other, they can tell their mother isn't telling them something "Mom what did he do to you?" Hope asked stunning Delilah for a moment "What do you mean baby?" Hope sighed looking up at her mother "Mom we know that dad wouldn't show up out of nowhere and not do something to get us. What did he do?"

Delilah bit her lip she knew her girls wouldn't leave it alone but how in the world do you tell your 8 year old girls that they're father walked into an FBI building, held a gun to her head, demanded for her to get them here, apologize for everything he did before killing himself in front of her

"I can't tell you what he did to me" The girls looked like the were going to argue but Delilah stopped them "I know you want to know and I will tell you guys... only when your older, okay?" Hope and Faith gave each other another look but agreed "Guys your father...what he did, he wasn't leaving the building a free man but he...I'm sorry girls he's gone"

"Gone? As in arrested?" Faith asked not understanding what her mom was trying to tell her "No babe" Lilah shook her head letting out a sigh "Gone as in, he's dead" Lilah told them slowly. The twins looked up at their mother tears filling their eyes, yes their father wasn't the best, he was barely there but when he was there, it was a fun time "Dad's gone?" Hope asked voice breaking

The twins loved their father but to be perfectly honest their father was more like a fun uncle. Showing up when it's convenient for him and leaving when it was hard, they were raised by their grandma and mom but it still hurt losing him. Not as much as it should have losing a parent but it still hurt

"Girls?" Delilah asked, her girls were staring at her, tears in their eyes but they didn't say anything when she answered Hope's question "Girls? Say something" Aaron walked in hearing Delilah raised voice, he stopped by the coffee table giving a questioning look to Delilah who shrugged

"I'm gonna miss him" Faith muttered tears falling down her cheeks. Hope nodded in agreement as the both of them hid their faces in their mothers sides. Delilah looked at Aaron with wide eyes not understanding the lack of emotions from her girls


Delilah and Aaron were laying in the girls bed. Aaron and Jack decided to stay for the night not wanting the girls on their own, Jack was safely tucked in the guest room with the girls since it had the bigger bed. Delilah changed into blue silk sleep shorts with one of Aaron hoodies she stole from him last time she was over his place for dinner with the girls

Aaron was in blue PJ pants and a black shirt, they were laying side by side watching a show on Lilah TV

"Do you think the girls are going to be okay?" Delilah asked breaking the silence, Aaron turned to look at her with a small frown "I believe so, kids are strong and it's gonna hurt it always does losing a parent but they'll get passed it"

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"Do you think the girls are going to be okay?" Delilah asked breaking the silence, Aaron turned to look at her with a small frown "I believe so, kids are strong and it's gonna hurt it always does losing a parent but they'll get passed it"

"That's the thing, I don't think the girls lost a parent" Aaron looked at her confused making her sigh and sit up "Aaron I loved Elijah and I know he loved his girls but he spent so much time working that he wasn't really there for them...I don't think the girls saw him as their father so much as just another family member that shows up to visit"

Aaron quickly sat next to her wrapping an arm around her shoulder "I mean, the girls showed more emotion and sadness when I talk about Allison and how much she loved them but when I told them Elijah was gone, they were sad but-" Delilah cut herself off shaking her head

"Not in the way a kid who had parents that loved them and knew that, would be" Aaron finished for her and he was right. Elijah loved his girls more than anything but they didn't know that, they didn't know he loved them so much so they couldn't love him fully back. It will always hurt losing their dad but it won't be the same kind of hurt when a child loses their parent

Neither of them said anything as Aaron pulled the auburn haired girl down to lay her head on his chest. They just let the TV show fade into the background, the two just laid in bed wondering what's going to happen now

Not Alone Anymore // Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now