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I do not ship it, nor hate it. Raura is basically EVERYWHERE! People started shipping it, since like A&A season 2! They were especially pumped up at the KCAs when they both won for Kids Tv Actress and Actor.

Now, it's very blue at the Raura Fandom. A lot of them are very sad since they felt like they lost hope, since they heard about Ross and Courtney. Some of them are really REALLY mad at Courtney.

I saw someone's bio on Instagram.

It said:
I love R5 ……………

Guys. I understand your never ending support for Raura, but let's not get hate on Rourtney.

I know Ross and Laura both have a girlfriend and boyfriend, but that doesn't mean we should hate them. I'm not telling you to support them either. We should just go with the flow, see where it goes.

And if this makes you Raura shippers out there feel better, I used to ship Raura. I just realized all the pressure Ross and Laura had on, that's why I stopped.

So, what if Ross and Andrew talked?
So, what if Laura and Courtney were in a picture together?

Guys, not everything may seem true. We don't even know if Rourtney is real, or if Raura actually happened, or if Maia actually liked Ross back.

Just go with your heart. Do what is right.

Comments please :))))

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