Court Of The Crimson King

Start from the beginning

He did contemplate deflowering the Hightower maiden. Not just to spite Otto and make Rhaenyra realize that her friend is after nothing but political advancement through royal favor. But the idea of corrupting such a pious and naive girl brought him a particular kind of arousal.

But he digresses. The tourney was won by some cheating steward's son whose name he doesn't recall. He was barely above a paseant in pedigree. And of dornish blood to boot. The Roynar savages had refused to acknowledge Targaryen sovereignty for too long.

His first order as king is to fly Caraxes to Sunspear, burn the entire Martell line like the Conqueror did to the Hoares and finally bring Westeros to heel. As it always should've been.

The only good thing about that blasted tournament is that his position is now set in stone as Aemma and her babe are dead.

He's not soulless. Aemma was half Targaryen, so he mourned her as he would any with the blood of the dragon. But with a husband like Viserys, with an appetite nearly rivaling Daemon's, but none of his fire, virility or strength, she's better off. Her attachment to the southern faith due to her Arryn upbringing and fear of dragons also prevented any true bond to form between them.

He'll take care of her daughter. That he can do. As Viserys is too preoccupied with his model of old Valyria to care for Rhaenyra's well-being. With the proper incentive his niece will convince his brother to wed them in the tradition of their house. And restore the Targaryen dynasty to greatness.



What the bloody hell does that even mean. He's Viserys only male heir. This is his reward for championing his brother's claim.
Being robbed of his own.

And at the Hightower's behest. Otto's venom dripping from the weak King's tongue. No doubt the Hand wishes to put his own blood on the throne and strike while the iron's hot.

A naked power grab. More obvious than a lyseni courtesan's lust. How the dragon has fallen. To be beholden to the whims of lesser men.

The Rogue Prince has no intention to let his ancestral empire descend into ruins to satisfy heedless ambition.

If the kingship is out of his reach, becoming Protecter of the realm and consort to the Queen will have to suffice. The patriarchal nobility of Westeros will defer to him in any case. Just as they preferred Viserys to Rhaenys. Daemon will be the true power behind the throne.

Rhaenyra is a Valyrian beauty. His own niece. And he has fostered a special bond with her since she was a child.

Rhea Royce was ill-suited to be his wife. Another one of his grandmother Alysanne's follies. The good Queen lost all good sense after her children started dropping around her like flies. Thus her judgment is unpaired. Daemon was destined to be King with a Targaryen Queen by his side. Not some hideous sheep from the Vale.

One trip to Runestone later, his marital obligations were done. He admits lying dead on the grass. Her eyes lacking their regular scorn and derision. His bronze bitch was not too shabby. A shame Viserys didn't grant him an annulment when he asked. This is no one's fault but his.

Ah, well.


Things didn't work out as well as he expected.

Understatement of the century.

Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.

He returned to the Red Keep a war hero. A king. A conqueror. And then he relinquished his fledgling crown to his brother.

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