I locked eyes with Dallas as my hands dropped to my side. I felt numb except for fear.

I wiped the (my) blood off of my right hand onto my jeans.

Elora was looking around at the chaos. Furniture was knocked over and items were strewn around the room. She could finally cry, so that's what she did.

My brain finally caught up to what was happening. I grabbed a towel from the cabinet, pressing it into the cut on my collar bone. I had already lost blood but not too much so I would be okay.. at least physically.

Dallas was trying to get a look at the cut, but he wasn't able to. He hugged me tight.

"I'm-I'm sorry" Elora said, trying to hold in my tears.

"I'm fine..." I mumbled to Dallas.

"Elora it's okay... it was self defense. Nothing that he did even slightly promoted that he wasn't going to kill you and Callie both." Soda hugged her tighter.

The gravity of the situation was starting to hit. "I-Oh god, I killed him, I fucking killed him." Elora don't usually swear, but she does under intense emotion.

"Elora it's okay..." I said, my voice calm. I glanced up at Dallas before taking the towel off of my cut, hugging Elora for a second before sitting onto the couch.

Then I heard the door slam. I saw Darry scan the room then look back at me and then Soda. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" He said, motioning to the dead body and the disarray of the living room.


I covered my mouth with my hand so I wouldn't laugh at Darry's quick personality flip. I was delirious and I knew if I laughed he would beat my ass.

"Uh so Elora's dad tried to kill her and me.... And uh...." I tried to explain, keeping a straight face.

At this point my eyes were going in and out of being blurry and focused.

"I killed a bitch" Elora said quietly, also trying not to laugh at my sleep deprivation.

I felt giggly. I don't know if it was the whole trauma and shock of the situation mixed with my sleep deprivation but I was definitely not myself.

I swayed slightly, my vision blurred.

"Elora.... What were you thinking.......are-are you bleeding?" Darry's eyebrows raised as he looked at me.

"Is she high or drunk or something, Dallas?" He looked at Dallas with an accusing glare.

"No, she's tired...I think" Dallas said.

"I'm fine, I don't know what I was thinking." Elora answered.

I giggled. "Relax Dar... it was self defense, Elora will be fineee." I felt my vision blurt again and my brain do the drop thing to make me stay awake. "Woah. Dude... I'm fucking high on ADHD or something?" I couldn't think straight.

I felt Dallas grab my waist quickly before I collapsed off of the couch.

"Dallas let that girl sleep oh my god!" Soda laughed from the back of his throat, it sounded forced.

"So what are we gonna do about that?" Elora asked, pointing to her father's body.

"I don't really know...." Soda said, glancing at Darry.

"Well it certainly can't stay here." Darry responded before turning back to Dallas.

"Take Callie home please." He sighed. "Two will kill all of us if he hears about this also she's delusional."

"Trip to the Hudson River?" Elora joked.

Darry thought for a second. "That might not be a bad idea."

(Bro since when would Dar ever be accomplice to murder ✋😂💀👹 sorry Elora, self defense :) )

~ A week later

I walked to the Curtis house, feeling better than I had in months. I had slept for 2 days straight at the beginning of the week and my relationship with Dallas was better because of it.

I sat down on the couch. "Hey y'all!"

"You're not insane anymore!" Two-Bit teased.

"And you're not a drunk?" I teased back.

"Get me a slice of cake would ya?" My brother asked.

I rolled my eyes and walked  into the kitchen, grabbing a plate from an upper shelf.

The door swung open. "The Hudson River is dirtier than Abby's mind!" Soda yelled through the house, causing Elora to burst out laughing.

"She's gonna kill you if she heard that!" Elora yelled.

I laughed. "She will hunt you down Sodapop!"

I saw Dallas walk into the kitchen with me, grabbing a beer from the fridge as I put a slice of cake onto the plate.

"I want cake. Soda can you please get me cake?" Elora asked him.

"Mhm.." Soda smiled softly, walking into the kitchen.

"Hey Soda." I smiled as Dallas stood next to me. I handed Soda a plate with a slice of of cake before cutting another slice.

"Hello." Soda smiled.

I walked out of the kitchen, handing my brother a slice of cake before sitting onto the couch.

Elora sat down next to me.

I smiled at her.

"Soooooo Dallas how is it going with you and Callie..?" Steve teased.

Soda handed Elora a slice of cake along with a fork before sitting down next to her.

"Thanks, baby." Elora kissed Soda.

Dallas rolled his eyes at Steve.

"Mhm.." Soda answered.

"Come on... spill!" Steve laughed, finishing his 3rd beer.

"It's great, you know same old." Dallas smirked.

"So same as in getting drunk and hooking up?" Steve smirked.

"STEVE!" My jaw dropped.

"Not cool, Stevie" Elora joked, trying to get a reaction out of him.

"Oh please, Dallas knows it's true..." Steve grabbed another beer.

"Pfft-" I scoffed, my face flushing.

"Oh fuck off man." Dallas scoffed, rolling his eyes, sitting down next to me.

"You okay love?" Soda mumbled to Elora.

"Huh? Yeah." Elora smiles simply.

Soda smiled back.

"Anyone wanna go to the drive-in?" Two-Bit asked, chugging the rest of his beer.

"Sure, I'm down." Soda nodded as well.

Chapter 21: 1570 words

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