o. the beginning

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THE SCREAMS ECHOED through the halls of the Red Keep, earning many exchanged wary and pitiful glances from all who gathered in the castle, awaiting the news of Princess Rhaenyra's labor.

In the Princess's chambers, the pale haired woman clutched a chair for dear life as she cried out, cursing the midwife and anyone encouraging her in her endeavors. None within the room seemed to bat an eye at the woman's fierce words, all knowing that it was the pain talking, not her. 

It took hours of pain and fear but eventually, Rhaenyra managed to finish giving birth, sighing in relief at the midwife's declaration that she had the child. The room was absolutely silent for a moment before the sound of a baby's happy gurgle sounded through the room. The princess, who had been holding her breath in those few seconds, let out a laugh that was part glee, but mostly relief. 

"A girl, Princess," the midwife said gently, making Rhaenyra's heart skip a beat as she extended her arms in a silent request to have her daughter handed to her. The moment that she laid eyes on her daughter, Rhaenyra began to cry, tears of joy slipping down her cheeks as she saw the gentle and soft eyes staring up at her. 

She had always wanted a daughter. She loved her firstborn, Jacaerys, with all her heart but there had always been the thought that she wanted a baby girl, even when she'd hated the idea of motherhood. She'd wanted to name her Visenya, a powerful name for a powerful princess. But now, looking into her daughter's eyes, she knew that such a name would not suit her. Her little girl should not have a name surrounded with bloodshed. She deserved a name that was beautiful, gentle. One that none other had ever owned.

"Laenor," she requested, looking up at the maid closest to her. "Please, bring Laenor to me. I want him to meet her."

"The Queen wishes for the child to be brought to her," another said softly, making a stab of anger surge through Rhaenyra as she bit down on the inside of her lip to staunch any rude comments. She and Laenor had expected this, after Alicent summoned them when she had given birth to Jacaerys. Still, it did not make it hurt any less.

"Find Laenor," she repeated to the woman, smiling gratefully as the maid rushed out of the room to comply with her wishes. "Now, help me get dressed."

"Dressed?" The midwife exclaimed. "Absolutely not! You should not be going anywhere, Princess, let alone traipsing through the castle to present a child to the Queen!"

"What other choice do I have?" Rhaenyra was ashamed of the harshness to her voice and she softened her tone. "I will not have my daughter taken anywhere without me. If the Queen wishes to be introduced to her, I shall bring her myself."

No one argued with her, instead helping her stand and dressing her in one of her more comfortable maternity dresses, careful to not jar her in a painful manner. 

Laenor entered the room with a loud bang, the look on his face nothing but pure joy as he practically ran in. "A girl?" he asked, making Rhaenyra's heart soar at the excitement in his voice. Most men wished for only sons, but Laenor looked absolutely ecstatic. 

"Yes," she confirmed, unable to hide her smile at the way his only seemed to widen.

"Visenya, then?"

"No," she answered quickly, making her husband's eyebrows furrow. He knew well how much she loved the name. "I wish for something new."

Laenor didn't argue her on it, nodding instead before noticing how she was fully dressed. His face clouded with anger for a moment before he took a deep breath and the smile returned. "Well, we'll have plenty of time to discuss names on the way."

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