Chapter 13: New Faces

Start from the beginning

"Nice to meet you," Y/n smiled as he walked over to her, lifting one of the cups and sniffing it before thinking to himself. "Nora's," He asked her but he seemed to already know as he took a sip of it. "Do we know each other?" Y/n questioned as he watched the smaller woman who seemed to be in her early twenties, an odd sense of familiarity stuck in his throat.

"Nope," Taylor quickly answered as she looked around the room. "Should you really be drinking Nora's coffee?" She asked as she looked at Y/n.

"Why? What's she going to do?" Y/n asked, amused at the smaller girl's curiosity. "Kick my ass?"

"Keep drinking and we'll find out," Y/n choked on the drink as he placed the cup down, turning around to find the smaller West-Allen.

"You god damn gremlin," Y/n banged his chest as he coughed, hearing the other two in the room laugh while Nora glared at him. "We gonna have to put a bell on you or something," He joked as he finally got his coughs under control, Nora rolled her eyes as she reached around him and grabbed her cup.

"So you've already met the new intern?" Joe spoke up as he walked around his desk and sat down, chuckling at his granddaughter and Y/n.

"New intern?" Y/n raised an eyebrow as he looked at Taylor and Joe. "How many interns does the CCPD have?" He joked as shook his head.

"Just her," Joe shrugged his shoulder as he looked at a case file. "You two are optional extras," He chuckled as he looked up at the two unimpressed Speedsters.

"Did you really call me over here just to insult me?" Y/n shook his head as he walked across the room and sat down on the couch. "I was busy working on Microprocessors and needed to do some more things," Y/n complained as he leaned his head against the wall.

"Y/n... You are supposed to set a good example for Taylor over here," Joe scolded the Speedster as Y/n lifted his head off the wall, looking at Joe before looking at the now nervous intern.

"Now you are asking for a miracle, Papa Joe," Nora joked as she looked at her grandfather. "He can't even spell a good example," She added as the other two just laughed while Y/n just shook his head.

"Damn," Y/n spoke as he checked his phone.

"What's wrong?" Taylor asked as she looked at the older man.

"Nothing, I'm just needed somewhere else," Y/n shook his head as he slid his phone into his pocket once more as he stood up. "I need to head back to the labs, you need something?" Y/n looked over at Joe.

"I did, but I'm sure Nora and Taylor can help" Joe shrugged his shoulders. "It must be something important that they need at the lab," Joe motioned for the Speedster to leave.

"Yeah, if you need something just call me again," Y/n watched as Joe gave him a nod. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Taylor," He offered the younger girl a smile, one she gladly returned as he opened the door before he turned his attention towards Nora. "It wasn't as much of a pleasure seeing you," He quickly pulled the door shut as Nora threw something from Joe's desk at him.

"Watch it, Thawne!" He heard Nora yell from the other side of the door as he chuckled.

"What's up?" Y/n asked he dashed into the labs to find Iris and Caitlin looking over the monitors.

"Thank goodness, Barry is trying to capture a metahuman who is trying to absorb all the power at the power stations," Iris began explaining. "He is keeping Barry at a distance because if Barry gets too close, he starts absorbing Barry's energy or fires energy at him,"

"That's all..." Y/n sounded bored as he looked at the two women before speeding off.

The black-suited Speedster dashed through the city as he got closer to the Power Station, phasing through the walls until he reached the centre where he found Barry standing behind a wall a small distance from a man in the middle of the room, lightning jumping off the large machines and into him as he stood with his arms spread out.

Nexus: SpeedBound Redemption (A Nora West-Allen X Y/n Thawne) [Discontinued?!]Where stories live. Discover now