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My hands were resting on my stomach. I don't know why. I had this weird feeling in my stomach again. But not the same way it was before. I put my hand up to ask to go to the bathroom.

"Yes Cody?" The teacher said. Did she like me today?

"May I please go to the bathroom?" I felt like I needed to vomit.

"Fine" she sighed. I quite literally rushed out of there. I felt it coming up to my throat.

I had only just made it to the bathroom before it all came out.

I guess I had been in the bathroom for a while because the teacher had sent somebody to do check on me. I didn't see who it was at first but soon after I realized that it was DJ. I love DJ, he's really nice. To everyone, especially animals. As you'd expect, he immediately ran to my side.

"Cody! Are you alright dude?" He asked.

"Maybe, no. I'm not sure." I replied. I really wasn't sure. I hadn't vomited in at least 3 years. I'm not sure how or why though. He took me to the nurse. The nurse called my mother, she didn't answer... Then she called my father. He forgot I existed. Again. My grandparents were busy. With nobody to come get me, they ran out of options. They had to send me back to class when I said I was fine. Not complaining though, I would rather be ANYWHERE than there. Seriously.

The bell had already rang for lunch so I headed to where the group was sitting. The others were already having a conversation.

"You two are ADORABLE together, Noah!" Gwen said

"FOR REAL!!!" Izzy continued.

"I agree. Cody's a good kid." Eva said

I sat down next to Gwen and rested my head on the table. I was tired. I'm always tired.

"Cody?" Said Eva. She was actually a really caring person. I think she was genuinely concerned.

"Oh my god Cody! Are you okay?" Izzy asked. Soon enough all the attention from the group was settled on me. I hated it. I hate the attention being on me. Noah was squatted down next to me to check up on me. It was kinda sweet.

When I explained the situation (that neither my parents or my grandparents care enough to come get me) everyone was extra concerned. Ugh, more attention. Noah already knew that my parents were massive pieces of shit, having met my mother, but he didn't think that they would go this low.

After school, Noah's mother picked us up.

Once again, the Sterecra siblings were all over me, unaware that I was sick. Except for Priya and Matthew, they're only 18 and are seniors at our school. They heard that some year 10 had vomited earlier that day. I said 'some year 10' but what I really meant was said is "you know that year 10, Cody Anderson? Did you hear that he vomited in the bathroom? That is so gross.". How nice. I'm definitely never going to live that down am I. Not with Duncan around.

That night, I heard Noah get a text while he was in the shower.

"Emma? What does she want?" I shouldn't check it. Should I? No. Ugh. I really want to, but that's not what a good boyfriend does. That I know.

As I was thinking, Noah got out of the shower and came back into his room. His hair was half dry and he clearly dried it with a towel. Damn I got lucky. He walked over and grabbed his phone while I was still sitting on his bed playing mario kart on the switch (Because I was bored).

"Why the fuck is Emma texting me?" He asked. I though they were friends. Apparently not. He was clearly pissed. I think he read the message but he didn't reply. He just put the phone down and sat beside me. I guess he was tired because he just rested his head on my shoulder, watching me play (and lose) the game. I know I suck, leave me alone.

"You alright?" I had to know. He was acting off. Like REALLY off.

"Yeah..." I could tell he was lying.

I paused the game and turned all of my attention over to him. I had to, he was clearly upset.

"What's up?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You're acting off. If something's bothering you, you can tell me. I'm here for you."

"I know."

"Let it out"

"It's just the fact that Emma won't leave me alone."

"Does she know about us?"

"I don't know. She's not asking me out or anything she just won't stop messaging me. It gets annoying."

"Yeah, I get that. Sierra doesn't leave me alone either. She has this weird obsession with me. I know that's not what you're dealing with but oh well."

"You can just get Izzy and Eva to protect you."

"Dude. You can too." We both were giggling at this point.

"I don't need protecting. It's only Emma. She's not even that bad, she's just... Ugh I don't know."

"You don't need to. It's just a girl." I told him. We kind of dropped the conversation after that.

I finished the game of mario kart and then we played a few more before it was eventually around 1 in the morning. I was tired but I don't think he really was. I guess I was noticeably tired because he turned off the switch and flopped backwards. He then grabbed the TV remote and turned it off. I leaned back so that we were both laying down. I was literally about to go to sleep when somebody called me. It was a random number.

"Should I answer"

Looks Can Be Deceiving. (A Noco Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now