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Thunderous lightenings and heavy rain poured outside as the brunette assassin laid back on the chair, adjacent to the bed in her little cellar.
The sounds of the wind and rain were music to her ears. She closed her eyes and sighed in content.

It was about midnight when her stomach grumbled, demanding food. As usual the girl skipped dinner and now had to sneak out of her room to get some food. The brunette put on her jacket and quietly unlocked her door. Lurking outside, she got out and tiptoed towards the kitchen. Upon reaching the desired place, she looked for some dry foods only to find some muffins and biscuits. Grabbing two muffins and a stash of biscuits, she left.

Going to her cellar, she took a detour as she noticed a guard walking down the hall. The detour caused her to pass by the main room of the officials letting her to eavesdrop their conversation.

"The winter solider went missing!"

"Just like that? Vanished in the air?"

"Vanished in the air."

"So what do we do now?"

"We let her out."


"Soul flames."

Hearing her code name, her grip loosened from the packet of biscuits, letting it fall on the floor.

"Who's there?"

And before the room's door could open, she sprinted off to her cellar. Closing the door behind her she rested her back on it and slided down, sitting on the floor.
She took a bite from the muffin as the conversation played in the back of her mine.

Liara paced along her cellar, her shoulder length hair open while her jacket hugged her body. The silver rings clad on her fingers shone under the morning light. The door was pushed open as the two men guarding the headquarters walked in her room. The brunette furrowed her eyebrows at the duo, one of them hold a rucksack while the other hold passports and tickets.

"Soul flames. . ." the man with the rucksack spoke.

"Its Liara," the brunette affirmed.

"That's your name for us. Listen you got a job to do."

"Winter soldier went missing," said the other one with the passport.
"And your job is to find him and bring him back to us. Dead or alive."

"That's it?" Liara cocked her head.
"Come on guys, atleast give me a fun mission. Not rescuing some escapee."

"Shut it, girl! Do what you're told. No detours."

"So he fled out of country?" Liara questioned grabbing the rucksack that hold her supplies and the passport.

"We dont know where he went."

"Just find him and bring him back."

"For sure," Liara smirked.
"I leave tomorrow morning."

"As soon as you can."

The two men left the cellar as the brunette plopped down on her bed looking at her passport. The name mentioned caught her eyes
Liara James─ she was glad that they straight up didn’t gave her name: soul flames as they called her. She would've been more glad if they hadn’t mentioned her surname as well. The brunette didn’t had one. She gave herself that surname while enrolling herself in school and since she got stuck with that surname in her legal papers. She was rather happy without a surname.

𝖘𝖔𝖚𝖑 𝖋𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖘  _↱BUCKY BARNESWhere stories live. Discover now