1. "not" sick anymore

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A strange headache attacked me when I woke up this morning. "Fuck.." I whispered to my self in pain when I looked around "I'm sick." A deep sigh came out when I forced my self to get up, Even though I'm not feeling well.. I have an important test today in school that I can't miss. I grabbed my school uniform, dressed up, went to the bathroom to refresh my self and then went downstairs to grab something to drink. All this took me around half hour before I left the house.

I walked slowly to school, usually I'm taking the train or the bus, but I walked slower then ever and missed both of them. The worse feelings is how you feel your body getting weaker every step, and I felt like my headache getting worse and how my legs going slower "I should've grabbed something to eat instead..." I whispered and began to walk again realizing I'm going to starve today at school since I forgot to take my bento with me. People who walked behind me or in front of me looked like they are enjoying the beauty of Japan Street's. The blue sky, the beautiful day, the smiling people.. But when I decided to look around, I saw nothing special but annoying people and polluted sky.

I don't remember exactly how long it took me to finally get to school, but I remember that when I got here, I heard the bell rings and most of the students already waited in their classes. For the millionth time today, I sighed feeling totally useless, Not only I'm sick, but also have to deal with the awkward walk into class being late, when all the students staring at you and you just want to bury yourself and say, oh fuck no.

As I entered the school and walked in the hallway, I stared at the stairs realizing I literally have to go up 3 floors. Why.. Are there.. No elevators?! It's almost 2024! This school can afford new design but no elevators?! That why I need to be the School Director, I would change their school for good. As I started going up, I almost fell twice but when I FINALLY did it to the 3th floor, a girl bumped at me and we both fell down stairs. We both screamed when from the 3th floor, we ended up on the second. Unlike her, who landed on me safely, I ended up on the hard floor with a girl weighed on my damn body. angrily I sighed in pain when I tried to recover from the fall, and was about to shout at her with all the strength that I literally don't have anymore, when I suddenly freeze looking at her close face to mine. Her big eyes.. Her short hair.. Her big pink lips.. Her worried face and the light pink cheeks.. I can't.. Yell.. At this face "omg! Omgomgomgomg I'M SO SORRY!" she stood up quickly and I felt... upset? "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.. I.. I was being late to class.. And.." She cut her words realizing that I'm still on the floor in pain, and quickly rushed to help me stand up. When I felt her warm hands touching my cold hands, I felt.. butterfly's? "A..are you hurt? I'm so so so Sorrryyy" she said with a fake crying voice, even though it's looks like she's about to actually cry. She kept asking me questions and running around in worry looking if I'm alright, but I didn't answered any of the questions, just looked at her wondering how thr FUCK she have so much energy in the morning and why she so pretty "Lord I'm sooooo soooorrrryyyyyyy!" She apologized again and bowed to me showing how sorry she is "your being late to class because of me, right?" She finally asked a different question and I nodded what made her worry even more. She grabbed a bento from her school bag and gave it to me "this because I'm sorry! Eat this please today at lunch! I made it my self!" She said and gave me a warm smile before bowing again and rushing away quickly, leaving me all alone..

When I got to class late, I weirdly didn't care about the students staring at me and the teacher yelling at me for being late. after the class I felt like I actually did good at the test today even though I felt sick this morning. When the bell rang, I grabbed the bento the careless girl gave me and went to eat in the school back yard. As I walked and looked around, I saw the beautiful sky this morning I surely didn't see, and.. Well the people still annoying but I never thought the school looked pretty before that for sure. Everything around me had colors all the sudden and I felt so good after eating the lunch box she gave me.

The day was long but felt short. All day I was stalking that girl and in classes I was thinking about her. I'm not sure why I was stalking her, maybe because I wanted to talk to her but every time when I tried to step in, my heart started beating fast and a weird smile on my face Appeared before I rushed away as quickly as I can. I found out she's popular around here and she really friendly. The thoughts that probably the worry face she gave me today and her cute reaction for what happened today, happened to other boys before and she was just being friendly made me feel pain in my heart that I couldn't ignore.

At the end of the day, I couldn't leave the school. Every time when I tried I felt a weird feelings in my heart before I went back. At the end I decided to wait for her and stalk her, just to make sure.. She's.. Safe..

It was 4pm when I saw her walking home and I was hiding behind trees as she walked, I even thought maybe I should go out and start a talk just so I can get closer to her, but everything was ruined. A tall guy and another girl ruined my plan when they called her name from behind while running closer to her "Aiko!" That male thing called her and hugged her from behind. It's her boyfriend? It's her friend? Brother? Best friend? Cousin? Who is he?? Why is he hugging her?? How close are they? How old is he? Why? Am I so unlucky? No. So many thoughts are in my head before I went home since I couldn't keep looking at this horror. I went to my room, threw my bag on the floor and sat on my bed. That guy annoys me, I stalked her all day and none of the guys around her hugged her, then why he can.

I'm not sure how did I became like this, but for only 3 days, I found all I need. I found out who her best friends are, that she 16 years old second year class A-1, her name is Aiko Naishi, she got 2 sisters and father since her mother died 2 years ago from cancer, she likes hello kitty, cute staff, her favorite color is pink but every other light color is enough too, And... That guy isn't her boyfriend not her cousin either, he's "just" a close friend of hers.. But there is a rumor he likes her. I don't like him. Not at all. I don't want him around her. I hate him. I hate him. I hate his face, I hate his personality, I hate him. That why I decided to stalk him too. Unlike the way I stalked Aiko, I was more interested in what he hates and fears, for example his name was Ren Tanaka. He fears being left out, he got father issues, and.. The worse thing that I found about him was when he was younger around 12 years old he was exposed filming girls in the school bathrooms and sending it to friends or uploading it in the interest. Since then he swapped 2 schools and now no one knows about this, for now.

The only reason I hate Ren around Aiko is the fact he likes her and that I'm not sure if he still filming naked girls and uploading it somewhere. If he does, Aiko is not safe around this disgusting pervert. Tomorrow is another day of school that for some reason I'm exciting for! If ren keeps getting on my way, I'll make sure he will regret that..

"Weird.. I was so busy I haven't realized that I'm not.. sick anymore." I said while looking at a wall in my room full with Aiko picture I took earlier this days.


HAI! I'M SO HAPPY I FINALLY FINISHED CHAPTER 1! I want to apologize if my grammar is not 100%! But in my opinion, I already like this story😍

Hope everyone enjoy 😠❤

Follow my Instagram: nar1mwa
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