Chapter Thirty Three

Start from the beginning

I turned to Jessie, questioning her. "I— I actually should be heading home."

I puckered my lips and nodded. "Oh... okay then. I'll go tell Divya and help her wake up Jen. We'll be on our way soon."

My disappointment was obvious, but I couldn't hide it as much as I was trying to.

Jessie nodded and focused back on her coffee.

Taking it as my sign to leave, I walked out of the kitchen and headed back upstairs where Divya was with a barely awake Jen—she handed her the water bottle and some pills. I went inside and both of them turned to me.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Sure." Divya stood up and pulled Jen with her, who only groaned with her hand on the sides of her head.

"Jesus, you smell like utter shit Jen." I laughed.

"Go fuck yourself Kaden." She groaned.

"Grace we are leaving!" Divya yelled making the brunette come out of the room we had shared.

"What's all the noise about?" Grace frowned now changed into her clothes from last night.

"We are leaving, let's go." Divya grabbed and began dragging the two down stairs, me following behind.

"What's the hurry? I was liking it here." Grace chuckled when Divya groaned and told her to shut up.

Jessie was already waiting for us on the couch standing up when she saw us. Elizabeth then came out of the kitchen and approached us as we waited by the elevator of the penthouse.

"See you soon?" Elizabeth asked me.

"Of course." I replied.

"And you?" Elizabeth turned to Divya who frowned in annoyance.

Hungovers kick her ass badly, she's extra grumpy because of them that she can be mean.

"I don't know I suppose." She pressed hard on the elevators button.

"It was a pleasure to meet you." Grace stood in front of Elizabeth's sight.

"You too." The British woman said politely but with clear disinterest.

The elevator arrived and we were pushed inside by Divya. Jessie waved goodbye awkwardly at Elizabeth and she did the same.

"Bye!" I said before the doors could close and I heard her respond the same.

When we got down we parted ways, Jen leaving with Grace—who she had driven with and Divya, Jessie and me getting in Divya's car. Jessie had left her car at my place so we all had to go there first to let her take it—afterwards we would go get breakfast... only my roommate and I.

The ride was quiet... too quiet. It was almost awkward, well at least between Jessie and I—there was this tension in the air probably because of what I heard in the kitchen. I felt like the clock was ticking for us and the elephant in the room would explote at any moment.

Sooner than later now.

Divya on the other hand was on her own world dealing with her headache.

She parked in front of our building where Jessie's car was parked as well. I turned on my seat to look at her before she got out.

"Talk to you later?" I asked unsure.

"Yeah I'll text you later." Jessie responded before quickly looking away. "Thanks for the ride Divya."

Divya hummed, "Sure."

Getting out we waited until she got into her own car and drove away until so did we in the opposite direction.

"What's up with you?" I asked to my friend now that we were alone.

"Nothing my head hurts."

"I can see that. What happened last night?"

"What? After you and Jessie sneaked upstairs to fuck? You are not very sneaky."

"Shoot me we were all drunk." I rolled my eyes.

We really suck at sneaking around.

"Sure, nothing happened other than Grace dipping and leaving me with a drunk Jen who the puked all over the carpet. It was disgusting, I only slept on the same bed with her so she wouldn't choke on her own vomit." Divya stopped at a red light and looked at me.

"Is that all?" I questioned.

"Yeah that's all." She looked back to the road. "What about you?"

"You already know what happened." I smirked.

"And is that all?" She asked me the same I did to her.

"Yeah that's all."

A/N - Another chapter! Thoughts?

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