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The air tonight felt colder then usual, the walk home from work was always cold in December but this wasn't a temperature kind of cold, this was something else.. I fumbled with my keys at the door, my icy fingers struggling to get a good grasp of the freezing metal, when the door flung open and out poured my step father..


Hearing my mom and him screaming at one another wasn't anything new so I just made my way inside nearly forgetting my keys I had dropped among all the commotion.

My mother.. how I like to remember her anyway was a kind woman the type to give her best to anybody and all. But since my dad left and she started dating this new guy she had changed. It's nearly been 15 years that my dad has been gone and 13 that my stepfather came along and I know that people will change in 13 but not this drastically. She is now filled with hate and fuelled by anger, worst of all she's a liar..
I can't say I blame her, my stepfather MARTIN is a cruel man, not a single good bone in his body.

Shortly after Martin joined the scene he started to show his true colours and within 8 months the hitting began. I was just 7 at the time and with no other family and only one friend I had nobody to turn to.. so i just accepted my fate an subsequently got on with life. The beatings used to be daily but in the last few years as he has grown older.. and slower.. it's now not as common, only when he gets irate and i can't get out of the way quick enough..

"Ahhh lili how was work?" My mother asks
"It's was fine ma, what happened in here"

I look around at the now trashed lounge, this is something I have grown accustomed too.. I notice the glass and smashed up furniture turning back to my mother after having no reply.. i try not to look at the blood trickling down her forehead and collecting in her eyebrow.

"Ma I asked you what happened?"
"Nothin for you to worry about lili he's gone now, for good"
Another lie.
"Ma you can't keep letting him do this, look at our home. LOOK AT YOU"
She attempts to wipe the blood from her head to no avail.
"My personal relationship has nothing to do with you lils so keep your unwanted opinions to yourself and get out of my sight!"

I give her a look of disappointment but listen and take myself to my room. No matter what's going on I always feel safest in here, I installed locks when I was 9 and learned that if I place my bookshelf at a certain angle nobody can gain entry to my space.
So it became my routine..
Go upstairs.
Lock my chains.
Open my winder.
Cover my door.
Kiss my teddy.
After that was done I felt safe. I was safe.
Talking about safe, my phone rings it's casey. My best and only friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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