"Yeah she is and I'm fine. Come in. What happened!" I said, closing the door behind him.

"Some creepy ass man came to the Curtis house. He was looking for her and then Soda said she was at a friend's house and he started threatening you." Dallas looked in between hugging me and beating someone's ass.

Elora was visibly shaking. Before anything could happen, she ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

"Oh god. Oh god. No no no no ." I sat down hard on the couch, the beginning of my dream flashing back in my mind's eye. I didn't know what happened after it but I did know we had a week until shit hit the fan.

"Callie..." Dallas' voice was soft as he sat down next to me.

I gasped, as I got out of my trance.

"Elora! YOU NEED TO GO HOME! NOW!" I hopped off of the couch, running to the bathroom where I saw you go into.

"I'm scared" She mumbled.

"Please please please please! ELORA! LISTEN TO ME ON THIS!" I cried, my hands shaking.

Elora opened the door "What if I run into him..."

"YOU WON'T IF YOU GO HOME PLEASE!" I begged. I knew how this started. I just didn't know how it ended and I hoped I could learn as soon as night came.

"Alright" She looked dizzy with fear, but I knew she knew she had to go.

Dallas touched my shoulder from behind me. "It's okay... why are you freaking out?" He mumbled in my ear.

"I'll explain it later." I mumbled.

Elora walked out the door and went home at a full sprint.

I gasped, sweating. I was breathing heavily, Dallas sleeping beside me.

My heart was beating too fast and I felt trapped.

"No no no no no no no...." I said, pressing my palms to my forehead.

"Stop. Stop." I couldn't stop the dream in my mind's eye even as I stared at the wall.

I felt like I couldn't get air, I pressed my throat with my cold fingertips, feeling it move as I took each breath.

Dallas woke up when a scream erupted from my chest. I raked my fingers through my hair.

"No no no!!!!" I couldn't stop the scenes in my head. I saw the shooting Elora loved through. I saw the arrest. I saw what he wanted to do to Elora.

I wanted to throw up.

"Calm down... shhh shh you're okay.." Dallas hugged me tightly as tears streamed down my cheeks.

I stood up. "I can't. I need to call Elora." I sounded breathless.

"Callie it's 2 am please just go back to bed..." Dallas groaned.

I picked up the phone, dialing Elora's number.

"Hmm?" Elora answered tiredly, wondering who was calling at this time.

"It's Callie. I had another dream. Your dad wants to kill you, Elora. I saw everything. The shooting the arrest, *everything*." I sobbed.

"Baby who is it?" Soda mumbled from the background

"It's Callie." Elora answered.

"Everything?" She asked, since she was wide awake now.

"Yes." My throat closed up as I felt tears stream faster down my face.

"Wanna come over to talk about this?" She asked.

"Yes." I choked out, Dallas mumbling curses under his breath.

"See you soon" Elora hung up to explain everything to Soda, she hadn't told him what her and I talked about a few days ago, and Elora needed to tell him now.

By the time I got to the Curtis house I was sobbing so hard my body shook.

Soda and Elora were waiting on the couch, she was trying to remain calm, but she was struggling. Elora had told Soda he didn't have to stay up, but he did anyway.

"I'm so sorry." I sobbed when I saw you, hugging you.

"It's not your fault" Elora hugged me back.

"Cal, it'll be okay," Soda said.

"But I know... I saw." I couldn't talk, I couldn't think. The images and sounds kept replaying in my head until I felt my legs collapse.

"Callie!" Elora was startled when I fell. Soda and Elora pulled me up onto the couch next to them. She was hugging me tight, hoping I would calm down.

"Elora... he's coming. He knows." I took a deep breath. "He knows everything. Soda, your aunt, he read the news and reports and the police reports. The doctor's notes and social workers check ups. Everything I saw him sneaking into the town hall for records and the address. He found Soda and my file. He's coming and he wants to kill you." I said, my voice shaking. I sounded crazy. Maybe I was crazy. But I didn't care, as long as everyone was safe and I didn't break from the stress.

Elora was shaking a bit, but was trying to remain cool. She was trying to convince herself it wasn't true. "Shit." She said.

She doesn't usually swear, but right now she was overwhelmed and didn't know what else to say.

" I'm so so so sorry." I wished I didn't see this. I wish I didn't know. I wish I wasn't a bearer of bad news. I wished I could die at that moment.

"It's not your fault." Soda said. Elora stayed silent, too stunned to speak.

I stood up, I knew If I looked at Elora's face a minute longer I would throw myself off a bridge.

"I'm going to go." I said, walking out the door.


I ran back to Buck's and once I got there I chugged a beer.

I wanted to be drunk. I wanted to forget. Now I knew how my brother felt.

"Callie...?" I heard Dallas' voice from the stairs. "The fuck are you doing..."

"Nothing." I said.

I heard his footsteps then felt him grab the bottle from my hand, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Please just go back to sleep... you're exhausted." He said.

"No, I'm fine." I shoved him away.

"Callie, you're not fine, just come back to bed before you pass out." He answered.

"I said I'm fine." I snapped. "Just leave me alone." My eyes narrowed.

"Don't make me pick you up and put you on the damn bed." Dallas groaned.

"Don't make me beat your ass." I snapped back. I would have never dared said that to him but I was exhausted, sleep deceived, stubborn, and rubbing on adrenaline and ADHD.

Dallas rolled his eyes before putting the bottle down and lifting me up and taking me upstairs.

"Put me down!" I yelled, squirming. "DALLAS!"

"Fine, I'll put you down." He dropped me onto the bed.

"Fine, I'll put you down." He dropped me onto the bed.

I glared at him. "Fuck you." I groaned.

I was buzzed from the beer and I didn't want to go back to sleep. I was scared to go back to sleep.

Dallas didn't fall asleep right away either. He wanted to make sure I wasn't going to get up again.

I just laid next to him, I didn't fall asleep right away but when I did I woke up with more of a headache and more anxiety than before.

Sunlight poured through the window in Dal's bedroom. I sighed. I showered and got dressed and then just kind of thought about what I was going to do. How I was going to even function with this horrible thing I wouldn't explain. I knew things would go downhill in 2 days. I knew this was hurting me and Dallas and I knew I was delirious. I was fucked.

Chapter 19: 1871 words

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