Rhaegar, undeterred, continued, "Our most pressing challenge lies with our damaged relationship with the Velaryons and, more critically, with my father. We must train him vigorously to ensure he does not succumb to spinelessness as king."

Jaehaerys exhaled deeply, his shoulders sagging under the weight of responsibility. "Indeed, Rhaegar. That is a paramount task that we cannot afford to neglect. We must not allow another fool to ascend the throne."

"House Targaryen must remain united throughout everything, for from our line comes the prince who was promised, to save the world we must first save our house" replied Rhaegar, "And to ensure the safety of the House we must ensure the unity of all its members"

The conversation then pivoted to the issue of Daemon. "Daemon is currently in turmoil because life has not unfolded according to his desires," Rhaegar confided. "He has always wanted a Valyrian bride, he hates Rhea Royce for she is not one of us"

Jaehaerys sighed deeply, running a hand through his silver locks. "An annulment would be an affront to House Royce."

Rhaegar smiled, his eyes revealing a glimmer of his strategic mind. "Daemon will just have to wait a bit longer, and we can use the possibility of an eventual annulment to keep him in line. He's a valuable asset, loyal to the bone. My uncle will be one of our greatest allies when Father is king, we just need to make sure that Otto cannot remove him from court"

Jaehaerys agreed, determination in his gaze. "I will summon Viserys and Daemon this afternoon and establish the rules that will ensure Daemon's presence and loyalty within King's Landing. We shall prepare them both for the challenges that lie ahead."

As their discussion reached its natural conclusion, Jaehaerys signaled their meal's end. "Now, Rhaegar, we must prepare for the day's duties," he remarked with an air of resolution.

Rhaegar nodded, rising from his seat. "Indeed, Grandfather. We have much work to do, but together, we shall secure the future of House Targaryen."
With that, Rhaegar departed from the private chambers, leaving the king to ponder the weighty decisions that would shape their family's destiny.

-Jaehaerys P.O.V-

Late afternoon bathed King Jaehaerys' private chambers in a warm, golden light that cast long shadows across the room. The king sat at the grand oaken table, his fingers tracing idle patterns on its polished surface as he contemplated the weight of his regrets.

He gazed out of the window, where the light of the setting sun painted the sky with hues of orange and crimson. It was a reminder of the passing of time, of the years that had flowed like a river, carrying with them both triumphs and regrets.

In the quiet moments of this late afternoon, Jaehaerys' mind wandered through the labyrinth of his past, a past paved with choices that had shaped the fate of his family and his house. The title of "Good King Jaehaerys" hung around his neck like a gilded noose, a constant reminder of the burdens he had borne.

His thoughts, heavy with the weight of responsibility and remorse, turned to his children, his own flesh and blood. "There's a saying," he murmured to himself, his voice tinged with melancholy, "that no parent should outlive their child." It was a saying that had haunted him ever since the deaths of his beloved sons, Aemon and Baelon.

A heavy sigh escaped his lips as his thoughts turned to Saera, his favorite daughter. "Saera," he whispered her name with a mixture of sorrow and longing. She had been a true dragon, unyielding, and unapologetic. But in his anger, he had cast her aside, disinherited her, and sent her to the Silent Sisters. The memory of her, once full of promise and fire, now reduced to the life of a Lyseni whore, weighed heavily on his conscience.

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