Chapter 1: Dr. Saya

Start from the beginning

Mommy, where are we going?", asked Kyouko.

„On a big adventure."

Yay! Adventure!"

It still looks too crazy to me... even after all those events we came through already. Are you sure, Risa?", asked Sora.

„Yes. As that other Risa told me, it is the ultimate goal of all Risas, so I have to try it too."

They boarded the ship and traveled back in time and to the place with the station.

„It is here again... intact. Let's land."


[after they boarded the station]

„That room is here.", said Risa and entered it.

„But things look different... mmm... the other Risa mentioned the Tome... so..."

Risa opened the Tome and found out how to fix the device.

„It seems to be done."

Are you sure? I don't want you to be blown up or something."

Mommy is going to blown up?", asked Kyouko.

„No, I am not. Sora! Don't say such things before the kids. It looks okay... so I will try it.", she said and entered the circle.

Initialization complete."

No energy signature recognized. Please enter your name."


Welcome, Dr. Saya. Energy signature set... checking status..."

Phase one already detected, starting phase two... ... phase two successfully completed.

Do you want to start the final phase?"


Checking status... error: requirements not met, your level is too low! Terminating..."

The light in both circles faded out.

What happened?", asked Sora.

„I don't know... try it yourself."

Mmm... okay."

Can I try it too?", asked Kyouko.

„Sure. But after your daddy, okay?"


Sora entered the circle.

Energy signature not recognized. System starts up. Checking system status... available free slots: none... error: unable to set new signature. Terminating."

Sora got out of the device and Kyouko tried it too with the same result.

So, what now?"

„I don't know... let me check my status."

Name: Risa (29), goddess (level 1)
Class: Witch
Level: 16 / rookie
Abilities: Wild magic (advanced), Alchemy (trainee), Cooking (rookie)
Mana: 2 850 000
Titles: Grass Eater, Lucky Dungeon Escapee, Space explorer, Time traveler,
Sp. points: 6
Registered in: Riass

„Oh... it seems, that it worked for me. I just became halfly-immortal. Mmm... the other Risa mentioned, that I should open the book again..."

[Risa opened the book and reads]

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