『 CHAPTER 40 』

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"Wanna chat?"

"Can we join too?"

Kabeyama and Endou turned to where Fudou, Kidou, Haruna, Fubuki, and Kazemaru stood. That was how the adults gathered around the campfire with hot chocolate in a cup in their hands.

"I think she was possessed," Kabeyama began.

"Again with this?" Fudou sighed.

"I think at some point we might need to return to the topic," Kazemaru said, "but I didn't think it'd be like this."

"Kidou, Haruna." The two sat straight when Endou called. "Aside from that time with Hakuren, has there been any accidents like this?"

Kidou and Haruna looked at the other. Kidou crossed his arms. "Well, I'm not sure if you could call it similar but ... there was an incident once. Happened during the match against Kidokawa."

"Oh, you mean that one?" Fubuki said, and Kidou nodded.

"Hello? Details?" Fudou gestured to Kabeyama, Kazemaru, then himself.

"Ah, right. Do you want to tell it, Kidou?" Fubuki asked.

"Since I'm Raimon's Coach, well, temporarily until Endou returns, I should. The details? [Surname] got caught up with a pitch-down in the old Waterworld Stadium."

"C-c-caught up as in..?" Kabeyama stuttered.

"It's hard to explain ... basically, she got injured. Gravely. But I couldn't tell what kind of wound she suffered, since Kariya saved her from the water but fled from the stadium with her. I only guessed it was grave since the injury rendered her unconscious for a month."

"A month?! Had she been sent to the hospital?" Kazemaru asked.



"Because her uncle, Yuukoku-san, didn't want her to be sent to one. If you were there, you'd hear all the curses he hurled at Fifth Sector."

Kabeyama shivered again. "I'm actually glad I didn't hear whatever he chanted."

"You said Kariya fled with her from the stadium, right?" Endou said

Kidou nodded. "Yes. I think I saw Sangoku and Kariya worked together to bring [Surname] away from there. When Kariya returned to us after the chaos, he said we needed to find a purple crystal."

"A purple crystal?" Kazemaru perked up. "How did it look like?"

"As any ordinary purple crystal would look like. But I do have to say, it was shaped a bit like a heart. A bit, since it's crooked in shape."

"A purple crystal ..." Kazemaru leaned forward. "Do you ... remember when we fought Aliea Gakuen?"

"Aliea Gakuen?" Fubuki smiled a little. "That's a name I haven't heard in a long time."

"Hah!" Fudou smirked. "Bet Hiroto and Midorikawa would've cringed when they heard that name again."

Haruna chuckled. "I think they have will. But yes, I believe we all remember."

"Then, do you remember the meteorite too?"

"The meteorite ⸺ ah."

The fire crackled.

"I think," Endou said grimly, "once you are off this island with the kids, Kidou, Haruna, you'll need to have a talk with Yuukoku-san."

"Understood, Endou."

♡ --- ♡ --- ♡


Sangoku frowned in his sleep.

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