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Tsurugi wasn't here for morning practice again. Neither was Shindou and Kurama. You deduced that Shindou was still bothered about the practice match, while Kurama was being quite mean for skipping, and for Tsurugi, you weren't sure why he wasn't around all the time for reasons other than he's a SEED.

But you noted to yourself that you'd find it out. You were still the team's manager, and being their manager meant understanding the reasons of their absence.

Thus, your adventure to track down these three boys begun.

With Sangoku as your informant – he agreed to help because it was you and because he was worried about Kurama and Shindou – your hunt had started. Sangoku had given you their class addresses. Although you may have their phone numbers, they kept leaving you on read, so you referred to one on one confrontation.

Shindou was your first target, since he didn't come around yesterday for after school practice.

You were using a pair of binoculars — zombie vision are always, somewhat, close sighted unless they were fortunate to have good vision — to scope where Shindou was. But you didn't need go that far, since he actually did arrive, albeit in his uniform. Akane was quick to take out her camera, you noted.

Like Tenma, you brightened up at his arrival and ran up to him. He noticed you coming, coming a little too fast, and didn't react in time as you slapped a note onto his forehead.

Akane gasped.

"Calm down, Akane," Midori mumbled.

Shindou winced at the slap, and peeled off the note, only for you to snatch it back and slapped it again on his forehead.

"[Nickname], please don't do that!" Sangoku chastised, holding your shoulders and making you bow towards Shindou. "Sorry about her, Shindou-san."

"I ... I guess it's fine...?"

But you weren't finished yet. Oh no no no. You forcibly pushed Sangoku's hands away, straightened up, and shove your phone with the readied question up Shindou's face.

"Why didn't you come to practice yesterday?"

Shindou frowned. He looked away from you. An irk mark pulsed from your forehead, and Sangoku tried to massage it down, worried your stitched brain might explode through your quilted skin, underneath all the foundation your uncle worked on you.

You huffed, and steadied your anger. Instead, you dug through the bag you brought with you, and pulled out a book and a wrapped sandwich. With only angry zombie huffs, you placed the two items into Shindou's hands and walked away.

Your teammates were sure they were watching some sort of drama here.

"I'm reminded of that one K-drama DVD Sangoku made us watch...." Hayami muttered.

"Yeah, it kinda does!" Hamano agreed.

"What's this about my drama collection?"


♡ --- ♡ --- ♡

While hunting for Kurama, you came across Tsurugi. He was leaning against the wall near the clubroom.

You tuned in and caught onto the voices of the humans in the room. You speedwalked your way over, waving at Tsurugi. He gave you a look, but you smiled.

You brought out your phone again.

"Have you seen Kurama?"

He raised an eyebrow.

You looked at him in surprise. You wondered whether he knew Kurama or not. Then, you doodled a mini Kurama in your phone. He recognised that, at least. He stared at you for a bit, before shaking his head.

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