"Billy! I can't accept this." He raised his eyebrows and looked at me in the face while kinda hurt

"Why? I thought you liked it?" I nodded my head still with a shocked face

"Yeah, but Billy this dress is 238 dollars. You know I don't even like you spending ten dollars on me let alone 238." Billy gave me a kiss and when he stopped, he started looking in my eyes

"Beautiful, I know you struggled with confidence so I bought you a beautiful dress that will help you see the beauty you have. To make you feel as beautiful as you look." I smiled at Billy and gave him yet another kiss

"Thank you. I'll wear it and even though the price is higher than I like you spending on me  I'll accept it because you took time and effort to buy me something to make me feel beautiful. Ima go put it on." I stood up from the couch and went into the bathroom to get ready while Billy got ready in the bedroom

When I finished getting ready I stared in the mirror. I felt beautiful but to me I still see something I don't find beautiful. That's the funny thing about confidence you feel it but you don't see it

I sat in the living room and waited for Billy to get done because he's such a girl and takes forever to get ready

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I sat in the living room and waited for Billy to get done because he's such a girl and takes forever to get ready

When he walked out of the bedroom he was stunned when he saw me

"Damn, you look gorgeous." I rolled my eyes and Billy helped me off the couch then we went out to the car

I sat in the car while Billy filled up the car with gas and the whole time I wished I had a jacket or something to cover me up with because I'm starting to not feel so comfortable in this dress

When Billy got in he leaned over the center console and gave me a kiss before leaning back in his seat

"You okay?" I nodded my head and put on my best smile for him

Billy took me to dinner and the whole time the waitress was flirting with him and that just made me feel even worse

Billy didn't show any interest back to her but it still made me feel bad

"Okay, just let me know if you and your sister need anything." Billy shook his head and I didn't move I just sat there with my arms crossing my stomach and looking at my feet

"No, she's not my sister she's my girlfriend." The waitress looked shocked and didn't say anything she just went back to the kitchen

"Okay, something's definitely wrong with you. You never looked up from your feet the whole time." I looked up at Billy and shook my head

"I'm fine, nothings wrong just forget about it." Billy shook his head and got up then sat down next to me

"Honey, you have that sound in your voice. You only look at your feet when you're upset. And you cross your arms when you're insecure. I can read you like a kindergarten level book. I can tell when you don't want to be somewhere. You're mad about something. And you're insecure about something even though you shouldn't be. And you don't want to be here so just tell me when and we'll leave, okay?" I looked up at him and nodded my head

"I don't like the waitress she flirted with you and either you didn't notice or you ignored her." Billy nodded his head and chuckled at me

"Because I want you and only you. I don't want her, yes I noticed she was flirting with me and she said she thought you were my sister." I nodded my head and turned towards him

"Yeah, because me and you look more like we'd be siblings. I don't look like the type of person to have a boyfriend, only a brother. I don't deserve to have a boyfriend the way I look." Billy covered my mouth and I looked at him so confused

"Shut up. Don't talk about yourself like that." When he took his hand off my face he had lipgloss on his hand and I had it all over my face

"Can we go before she gets back?" Billy nodded his head and before we left he grabbed his jacket

"Can I wear your jacket?" He nodded his head and helped me put it on

Billy took me to the mall afterwards and he spoiled me just like he said he would

He bought me every piece of jewelry I said I liked and every piece of clothing I showed interest in

By the time we left the mall he was holding five bags in each hand and he refused to let me hold any of the bags

"Thank you." Billy gave me and kiss and I smiled at him like it was my first kiss

"Anything for my favorite girl." He drove us to his house and when we got there I called my mom and asked her if I could stay the night with a Billy and she said yes so I slept at Billy's house for the first time

That night me and Billy fell asleep while making out and I wouldn't want it any other way

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