# 02

800 19 17

Bando was laying down on his bed while on the phone with taurus. They were both playing an obby on roblox, a bit childish for there age but that's ok .

"nikka you fuckin suck !!" taurus yelled at him while laughing at the fact that he couldn't pass one simple stage.

"shut up, suck my dick ." He said on the verge of rage quitting.

"this shit so fuckin hard bro what the hell !!" he screamed nearly throwing his phone.

"it's not that hard, you just ass ." taurus laughed, it was funny to him that omar was raging like a little boy .

"I swear I'm finna beat you up ." He argued with him over the phone, at this point they weren't even paying attention to the obby at all.

"you gon beat me up over the phone or sumn? I'm not scared of yo ass ." taurus spoke while rolling his eyes.

"Naw but I'm 2 minutes away so unlock yo door ." Omar warned him and hang up the phone.

"how the fuck.." taurus said confusingly, but Omar has did this multiple times so he wasn't that surprised. Taurus heard loud banging on the door, he went downstairs hesitating to open it cause he was lowkey scared, even tho he said he wasn't.

As soon as Taurus opened the door, he got slammed on the couch and started to get beated on playfully.

"get yo ass off me, you too fat I can't handle your weight !!" Taurus yelled while the older boy was on top of him.

"Nah what happend to all that shit you was talkin ." He said while beating the boy up, laughing at the same time.

"I can't breathe get off of me fattie !!" tdot screamed at him. Bando finally got off of him, while the younger male was gasping for air

"your fine, I'm not that fat so shut the fuck up" omar said rolling his eyes, with tdot still breathing heavily

"you could've killed me with yo fat ass ." he complained, being over dramatic. "whatever ." he mumbled not wanting to argue with him anymore.

they both were silent for about five minutes. Taurus laid his head on the other boys shoulder, he wasn't gonna lie it was kinda comfy but he wasn't tryna be gay or anything like that. Omar let him lay his head on his shoulder, he didn't try to move him or anything they just stayed like that silently.

"what you wanna do now?" Taurus said breaking the silence. "ion kno ." He answered, looking down at the boy on his shoulder.

"you wanna get some Wendy's?" Taurus asked him, looking up at him so there making eye contact. Omar dazed into his brown beautiful eyes, he didn't want to look away but he did anyways

"sure" he finally responded. "your paying by the way" Taurus said giggling. omar groaned once he said that because he always paid for him, but he didn't mind at all.


kinda like this so far idk tho .🤷🏾‍♀️

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