chp 1 - first taste

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the gorilla was doing cringey stuff as usual then she was shocked, she saw the chicken ,the second person she is gay for. it has been a long time since they met each other .

                                                                           flash back

it all started when the gorilla accidently touched the chicken and licked her fingers . She fell in love with the taste of chicken ever since then. everyday every night she wanted to lick the chicken once more.

                                                                          end of flashback..

They made eye contact and started blushing . then the gorilla said how are u UWUWUU .the chicken BOMBASTIC side eyed and left . this left the gorilla sad . 

Then she went to the stickbug her ex to consult her feelings . The stickbug slapped her and said "HOW DARE YOU , YOU ARE ONLY SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME UWUWUUWUWUUUWUWUWUWUWUUW" then the gorilla made a shocked expressions and walked away. 

The cockroach was eating popcorn while watching this. the jeans was flying in circles, because she was stuck on a helicopter.

the love story of a chicken and gorilla. 3>Where stories live. Discover now