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"Yesterday went great, doofus"


Making teenagers work on a Sunday had to be some sort of crime. But it wasn't apparently which is why Matteo was back to working.

"The eye contact!" Matteo protested, "The sexual tension was there, okay?"

"Sureee" Robin scooped orange sherbert while Matteo handled the register, "Keep on living in delusion, Teo"

"I'm telling you" Matteo insisted, he lowered his voice when the customer walked away, "He was totally checking me out. And he said he'll see me at the fourth of July fair, what could that possibly mean?"

"That he'll see you at the Fourth of July Fair?" Robin shrugged, "I just don't want you to get your hopes up, you're just horny and want to believe the hot new guy is into you"

"First of all, when am I not horny?" Matteo held up a finger while Robin scrunched her nose in disgust, "And second of all— you agree then? He's hot?"

"Fine, yes, he looked half decent"


"Uh oh" Robin looked up, turning away from Matteo, "Twelve o'clock,"

Matteo wasn't sure why the color drained out of her face until he watched a group of young preteen girls walk up to the counter, hands on their hips.

Since joining Scoops Ahoy and since the summer vacation had started for the middle schoolers, they had had to deal with this particular group nearly every single day. All they did was ask for free tastings, rarely buying any ice cream and walking back out.

Matteo had tried to complain to Gary—er— Larry, but the manager had just shrugged saying it was out of his control. Company policy didn't really have a limit on how many tastings a customer could do, a rule which the girls thoroughly abused.

The girl at the front, especially, was Matteo's worst nightmare.

Her hair was done in a half ponytail to one side while the other side was curled elaborately, a multicolor beaded necklace that complimented any outfit and a backpack in which Matteo was sure she carried a spell book or something.

There was no fucking way the little shit wasn't a devil or a witch or something super natural, she was just too good. A retail worker's worst nightmare.

"Can I try the peppermint stick?" Erica crossed her arms. Matteo just held Robin back, if it wasn't for him, Robin would have been arrested for assault days ago.

"Here you go" He plastered on a fake customer service smile and handed over a plastic spoon to her.

"I'll try the brownie," Said another girl, gathering the courage.

Matteo gave one spoon to her too.

"I want to try chocolate"

"Strawberry, I want to try the strawberry"

"Mint chocolate"

"Orange sherbet"

"Peanut butter chocolate swirl"

It just kept on going until Erica asked for peppermint stick again.

"Haven't you already tried the peppermint stick?" Robin looked exhausted even though it was Matteo who dealt with the girls.

Come on, where was Steve when you needed him? Matteo was going to complain about him and his weird child friend to Larry. If only, the guy ever did his job as he was supposed to. They'd been holed in the back for the entire day.

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