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School is boring of course but what makes it fun? Sports!
"Hello my name is Mrs ginger. I'm inviting all of you to join track and field. Anybody can join! It doesn't matter who."
This message got announced in math class. "Anybody interested?" Mrs Ginger smiles widely. "I am." A black hair girl raises her hand. "Ok, what's your name sir?"
The black hair laugh awkwardly. "I'm actually a girl."
"My apologies-"
"It's ok, people mistaken my gender a lot." The black hair girl shrieks in her chair. "Ny name is Kim by the way!"
Mrs Ginger writes her name down on a piece of paper. "Anybody else?" a brown hair dude raises his hand. Mrs. Ginger point at him. "You! Over there. What's your name?"
"Lance." he replies. Mrs Ginger writes his name down. "Anybody else—"
"Yes. I would like to join." Another black hair spoke. "What's your-"
"Nemona." She puts her hands on top of her desk and folds them. "Ok, uh. Is that all?"
No one else raises their hands. "Ok!" Mrs. Ginger exits math class. The teacher puts the math books down on the table. "Ok..please take out a notebook. We'll be writing down notes—"
Mrs Ginger enters the room again. "Oh! I almost forgot. Track starts right after school ends. Please come on time!" Mrs Ginger reminded. Than runs back outside. "Alright then." The teacher picks up a marker and writes on the white board for the lesson for today.
~ T I M E S K I P ~
"Fuck, I forgot to bring my pe clothes. At least I have the color black.." Kim just got out of the locker along with Nemona. "it'll be ok.." Nemona pats Kim shoulder. Kim got shivers down her spine. "Uh-"
Nemona headed her way to the track. "Wait up!" Kim follows her behind.
The track was filled with a bunch of people. Wow, but Kira wasn't used to being around crowds. "Jeez.." Kim went to the middle area on where the people from debate are. "CAN I GET EVERYBODY ATTENTION!" A lady shouted. Everybody calm down a little. "We will be going over some track rules. Please sit down."
Everybody sits down in front of her. "Alright."
"IF SOMEONE GETS INJURED. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?" She ask. Looking at the participants for an answer. "well, stop? They're injured, you gotta help!" a pink hair girl answers. "Bingo!"
"MY name is Mrs. petunia alright, and these other people are going to be your coaches." She continues, "You'll all be separated in categories, A girls, B girls, C girls, A boys, B boys, C boys." She sits on a nearby bench. "Basically it's base on your height-"
"If you're about 5'9-6'9, you are A."
"If you're 5'6-5'8, you are b."
"If you're 4'10-5'5, you are c."
"Now go in your groups. I'll give you guys five minutes" Everybody went to their groups. Kim went to letter b. While Nemona went to A. "Times up is everybody in their groups?"
Everyone nods their head. "Good." The girl smiles. A black hair guy raises his hand. "excuse me. Ma'am?"
"My knee is bleeding, can I get a bandage?"
"You can get a bandage right there near the bench."
"Thank you!"
"Any time."
"We will now begin. C girls, C boys aka. Shorties. Follow me! We are going to do triple jump."
"OW MY FUCKING ASS-" Clay said, she fell..
"Are you ok?" The teacher asked. "Are you injured, do you wanna sit out for a bit?"
The teacher took the c people near a pit. A person with pink hair and pigtails was cleaning the pit up with a rake. "Ok, listen up everyone, today we will just be practicing. I will not record your scores today since it's a easy day."
"Make a line behind this board." The teacher pointed where. "Now, all you got to do is run, hop, step, and jump. Does anyone wanna demonstrate?" She looks at the line of people. No one steps up to demonstrate. "Ah, ok. I'll just choose random.. let's see.." she trails her eyes to a brown hair guy. "You! Can you demonstrate?" "alright then." Lance nods. "Thank you! Everyone, please pay attention on what he does." Lance got in to his starting point, he got in a ready position than runs, hop, step and finally jumps really far. Everybody claps. "Good job Lance!"
The pink hair guy with pigtails cleared the pit again. The teacher waited until he was done. The pit was clear again. "Right, the first one up line!"
Angelina raises her hand. She ties her hair up and got into a ready position. "Go!" She run, hop, step, and jump and landed on two feet. "Nice!"
Angelina went all the way to the back of the line. "Next up please!" Lennon raises his hand. "Go ahead."  same thing, run hop step and land on two feet. "Way to go!" The teacher claps. "MY TURN!" Danica shouted. Without any hesitation, she just runs and trips on the pit. "ouch. It's ok there's always a next time." The teacher helps the orange beanie girl up. Pink hair guy with pigtails cleans the pit again.  "Who's up next?" "me!" Clay said raising her hand. "best of luck!"
Clay did the same thing as how the others did it. "Great job!"
Meanwhile at the 100 meter dash. (B boys and B girls)
"Holy shit dude!" Alastor started to panic. "I'm next! I'm slow as fuck!!" Alastor shook Paisley shoulders. ".."
"Still upset?"
Paisley nods. "I miss Delilah..I hope she's ok.."
"She'll survive. I promise you."
"Blue hair guy, you're up!"
"Oh dear-"
"Good luck." Paisley patted his shoulder. "Who am I racing?" Alastor look at his side. "Archie?"
Archie waves.
they both run. "ARCHIE!" Alastor had an idea. Archie raises an eyebrow. "PIGGY BACK RIDE!!!" Archie shook his head no but Alastor jumps on Archie back. Archie sighs. "KEEP ON GOING BLUD."
"HEY! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" The coach shouted. "yeehaww-" Archie drops Alastor. "WOAH!"
"Alastor- whatever your name is! Go back all the way to the line. That doesn't count." The male coach says. Alastor frowns. "Ughh.."
"Damn what were you thinking?" Tye asked, crossing his arms. Alastor shrugged. "Not use doing this without Dani."
"Yikes." Tye was up next. He was racing Chester. "Track and field sucks. I'm leaving." Alastor walks up to Paisley. "What?!? But you just joined!"
"I'll stay for a bit then."
"I'M DONE!!" Tye runs to the back up the line. "I'M HIM—-"
"Shut up dude!" A random person says. Tye rolls his eyes. "You're just jealous that I got a better score then you!"
"Nuh uh!"
"Yuh uh!"
"Their not scoring us yet. Today is a easy day." A bright blue haired girl says. Tye flickers his eyes.. "FU-"
"Two more people! The girl with curly blonde hair, and girl with blue hair. Ready?"
Wendy scoff.
For the A girls and the A boys they're doing high jumps. "Pretty simple right?"
Everybody shot each other glares. "Uh, yeah." Carter says. "Great! You're up." The girl coach pointed at Carter. He flinches. "Me? Alright then.." He runs around the cones, did the Fosbury flop jump over the rope, and lands on the mattress. Everybody claps "Nice!" The girl coach gives a thumbs up. "Who's next?"
"Me!" Mado says stepping up. "Alright!" The girl coach gave a signal for her to start. Like how Carter did, she runs around the cones, did the Fosbury flop jump over the rope, and lands on the mattress safety. Wow she's good! Everyone claps for her. "Good job!" The female coach gives her a thumbs up. "Next—"
"my turn." Nemona turn to jump. She did the same like how the two did it last time. She successfully made it over safely!
"Good job." The female couch says. People after people, it was time for everyone to head to their dorms. It was 7:00 and it was already getting late. Everybody dressed out of their track clothing and headed to their dorm to take a rest or work on their homework that they needed to do.
Carter yawns of exhaustion.
"So, Carter." Kim turns her chair to face Carter. "I saw you staring a guy during track. You like him or something?"
Carter jumps. "LIKE HIM? No way! I'm not gay!"
Kim laughs. "Carter and—"
"DON'T EVEN SING THAT!" Carter yells turning red. Kim starts to laugh uncontrollably.

College life [book 2] slender x baconWhere stories live. Discover now