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After the series of events that the public has dubbed the 'Avenger Civil War,' Vivienne Blake – one of the original 7 Avengers – found herself on the run with her long-term girlfriend Natasha Romanoff.

The two had met a few years before the formation of the Avengers when Blake first arrived on Earth after her 'escape' from Panem. Natasha and her partner, Clint Barton, were sent to investigate an unidentified object falling from the sky. That 'object' turned out to be Vivienne Blake.

Despite being uneasy and untrusting of each other – understandably so – at the beginning, they quickly established a close and unbreakable bond. The two were often found in each other's company, whether training together, talking, or even doing separate tasks, but in each other's company.

It took about a year for them to finally get together. Both had reservations about starting romantic relationships Natasha because she always had it engrained in her that 'Love is for Children', and Vivienne always had everyone she loved murdered in the past. However, after some pushing from Clint, they finally got together when Natasha asked Vivienne on a date, and the rest is history.

Together, they faced every challenge that came to them. They struggled at times, but they always did it together. Several months after their first date, they sat down and talked. They ended up talking for hours, both getting very emotional. They went against every instinct they had developed and opened up about their pasts.

Blake talked about the Hunger Games, the work President Snow forced her into, the riots, her being captured by the Capitol, and the final attack on the Capitol that brought down Snow but also destroyed her world.

Natasha talked about the Red Room from the beginning, how she got taken there, how they trained her, the Ohio mission, anything and everything in between.

Their conversation made them impossibly closer.

They somehow once again became even closer during their time on the run. After a reunion with Natasha's family, they took down the Red Room together. The place had taken Natasha's entire childhood.

Shortly after this, Natasha and Blake found themselves pardoned along with the other Avengers. However, they now had to remain in the Avengers compound for an unknown time. Tensions were high inside the compound, which was too much for Blake. The Civil War made her lose her chosen family. Her only family. She just wanted everyone back together.

One night, it all got too much for Blake, and she broke down crying in Natasha's arms. She told Nat how it was all getting too much for her to handle; she wanted her family back. She already lost her family once; she couldn't do it again. Natasha suggested reaching out to Stephen Strange, a man who had become a close friend of Blake's after they met a few years ago when SHEILD sent Blake to Kamar-Taj to ensure they weren't in any danger.

While at Kamar-Taj, they helped her overcome her psychological trauma and channel it into sorcery.

Blake knew he had better things to do, but she was desperate, so she made a phone call. Moments later, there was a yellow portal in her room, which, to an average person, would scare them, but to Blake, it made her smile. Her smile got even bigger when Stephen walked out.

He smiled towards black. "Hello Blakey."

She sheepishly smiled back, "Hi, Stevey."

She motioned for him to sit down with her on the sofa, and he does, "What can I help you with?"

She sighed, taking a deep breath, "ineedhelpinggettingtheavengersbacktonothatingeachotherbecauseicantdealwiththisanymoreeverythingisfallingapartandijustwantmyfamilybackbutidontknowhowpleasetellmehow."

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