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        Countless lights fill my vision as I step through the boundaries between worlds. It's during this moment, that I feel a sense of doom wash over me. As if something has glanced my way and has deemed my existence a threat. I frown to myself.

"Just what sort of entity would have this much power for me to be able to feel and sense their gaze before I've even fully integrated myself into this universe?" I asked myself. Something dangerous lurks within this universe. When the flashing lights die down, I'm left in an empty space out in the of middle no where in this universe.

"Hmph. Some entrance this was. This part is, and will always be, the worst." I muttered. It's quite common for the portal to spit me out into the literal middle of the unknown. I've become quite accustomed to the process. What isn't normal, however, is that persistent gaze peering into my very being.

Rather, it grows stronger.

"Something's coming..." I only have a moment to dodge the large being that suddenly swoops in on me. One of the beast's large hands just barely misses my skin. The force of the attack knocking me back. It roars in anguish after having missed its target. The sound grates on my ears, disorientating me. This monster is one I've never seen before, likely unique to this world alone. Countless emotions pour out from this being: anger, mourning, despair- it's as if the monster takes power from those it has vanquished and fuels its power with their resentful spirits.

"Such an abomination..." I tutted in disgust. The monster charges up a powerful attack, powering up the core it protects. I notice that this core may very well be its weak point. Normally, I wouldn't worry about any damages to this body of mine. However, this attack appears to be one stronger than I would normally be able to handle. I may be immortal, but that doesn't mean I'm invincible to pain.

Just in time, I barely manage to dodge the attack. The attack crashes into nearby meteors, causing the debris to come flying back towards me.

"I can't keep dodging forever, this beast doesn't seem like it's going to let up until it believes I'm dead." Which isn't going to happen, not on my watch. I float in space, coming up with a plan on the fly. The large orb that must be the eye glares down at me, seething in rage and hatred.

Why am I being targeted? Just what entity did I piss off by coming into this world? I have to know, otherwise I'll never be able to complete my mission in this world. The feeling of being watched or gazed upon pricks my skin once more. I ignore the feeling, instead opting to send off an attack of my own towards the monster before me. Bright light fills the space as a rift forms between the monster and myself.

"Come at me... I dare you." The beast roars, taking the bait. It shoots off and stupidly enters the rift.

"Caught you." With a snap, the rift seals shut- cutting the parts of the beast that had entered the rift I had opened cleanly in two. I sighed in relief, fatigue welling up within me.

"That actually worked..." I chuckled in disbelief. The rift I opened was actually one that lead into the Sea of Quanta. That way, if it managed to go in completely, I wouldn't be threatening any other worlds or civilizations if it ended up in another world. The Sea was the safest option. Silence fills the space between the remains of the beast and myself. Fragmented meteors scatter past my vision as I gaze up at the deceased remains.

"It wouldn't hurt to take a look at just what this thing might be..." The beast doesn't move an inch as I draw closer to it.

Perhaps I was too confident in my abilities, believing that severing the monster would be enough to kill it.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐍 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐒𝐊𝐘Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora