15. Winters Lodge

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Ethan wanted nothing more than to cuddle silently, and listen to the rain on his car roof. It would have been the perfect time to unwind, post-backseat-car-sex, but his abrupt visitor had other plans as he leaned into the taller man's chest. Ethan was draped over the seat, his head back.

"Not just that,–y-you had to change some of the drive line parts."

His thick legs were propped up on Ethan's lap, his smooth tan skin still slippery with sweat. Ethan had to stop himself from running his hands down the other man's legs yet again; he couldn't seem to get enough of him. Even though he couldn't quite remember where they'd met. Here, wasn't it? On this beach. When, though? It felt like forever ago. He was crazy about Karl. Just...not at the moment. At the moment, Ethan's stare was more of a glare as he raised his head and stared past Karl, out Lily's windshield. His gaze unfocused at the gale that still stranded them beside the highway.

"Struts. Springs. Tie Rods. You're tellin' me you did that all by yourself."

Heisenberg had a beer in his hand from Ethan's trunk cooler. Ethan didn't know how the other could stand an icy beer when a freezing thunderstorm raged overhead, and even sex hadn't warmed his chilled skin. Leather seats didn't help; they were icy too.

"Why is it so hard for you to believe I did the Hemi swap?" Ethan had laughed the first time, but now he scowled, his piercing hazel eyes demanding an answer. Karl chuckled again at the dour expression. Ethan rolled his eyes, playing with the compass necklace he'd been given. "It's my car. In case you didn't notice, I make a lot of money."

"It's not about the money, Winters...I can tell by your shoes that you've got money."

"What's wrong with my shoes–"

"It's just a hard swap to do yourself, that's all."

"Do you think I'm dumb?"

"Never. I think you're a snob."


"A snob with money to pay somebody else to do it. Afraid to get dirty. Look at those nails."

Karl slipped his rough hands around the pale digits, and before the blond could get too angry, Karl had kissed the back of Ethan's hand. Ethan had to acknowledge that his hands were smooth, his nails trimmed and even, no calluses or peeling skin. Compared to Heisenberg's, they looked like aristocratic hands. He pulled his fingers out of Heisenberg's grasp (and mouth) with another scowl, eliciting a wolfish grin from the other.

"I avoid getting dirty, but I don't mind it, if what I'm doing is worth it. I'm not afraid ."

"Love your car that much, huh?"

Ethan took the beer from Heisenberg's hand. "Yeah." He drank, wondering why it felt so empty, so...like nothing. Not that he liked beer-he didn't, really, but this one seemed to lack any distinguishing flavor. That was odd. "Cars are...more dependable than..." his dad. His ex. All of his exes. Himself?


"Not with a wet distributor, jackass."

"That one's on me." Ethan actually laughed aloud-he'd been gotten by that one. It was his fault; he hadn't considered rain–it was California, goddammit. Dumb move. Heisenberg's satisfied grin was worth the self-deprecating comment. Ethan met the other man's eyes. He was caught, his gaze flickering back and forth between the dancing green irises. Karl wasn't making fun of him, he realized for the hundredth time. Karl was genuinely delighted: both by Ethan's sour demeanor, and his long-awaited smiles. It seemed the blond could do no wrong to him. He remembered something Karl had said the last time they met, and mentioned it at the other man's lovestruck gaze.

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