Chapter 1: a simple life

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Stars are shown in the vastness of space

Out there, there's a world outside of Yonkers

The view changes to show more stars but they are in a blue haze

Way out there beyond this hick town, Barnaby

The view changes to show a ringed planet, a reddish planet and a sun

There's a slick town, Barnaby

The view then shows a spinning nebula

Out there, full of shine and full of sparkle

The view shows a nebula then changes to show the sun

Close your eyes and see it glisten, Barnaby

The view then starts to pan over to a planet

Listen, Barnaby

The planet is revealed to be earth but with a large amount of space debris in it's atmosphere

It then zooms past the debris and towards the earth

Put on your Sunday clothes, there's lots of world out there

It shows what looks like hills

Get out the brilliantine and dime cigars

The hills are revealed to be made from what looks like rubble and broken machines

We're gonna find adventure in the evening air

It then shows a powerplant with even more rubble amd broken machines

Girls in white in a perfumed night, where the lights are bright as the stars

It then shows some buildings that are still standing

Put on your Sunday clothes, we're gonna ride through town

It's revealed that the buildings are covered in plants and foliage

In one of those new horsedrawn open cars

It then shows from a above view just how much plant and foliage is covering the buildings

We'll see the shows at Delmonico's and we'll close the town in a whirl

And we won't come home until we've kissed a girl

It then shows what looks like path

The music is heard once more as a figure is seen moving along the paths

The figure is seen moving along the path once more as the music is playing

We then get a close look at the figure as hands are seen sorting through some trash and rubble as the music is heard more clearly

A little bird is seen hiding in a old can before it follows the figure

It then shows the figure in what looks like an office as the figure is fully seen

The figure is a robot wearing a overcoat with a pistol at its side as it looks through the office

This is Lou-13, the last working robot on earth

He then notices both the bird and an item underneath a broken wall

He pulls it out with some effort to reveal that the item in question is a trash lid

He inspects as he notices the sunlight reflecting off it

He looks towards the sun and then puts the lid inside a old but sill usable hand cooler

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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