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   "The truck" I answer and throw the blanket at him. "Oh, it has cum on it!" He exclaims and quickly gets it off him. "I'm not sure it does? I mean possibly because last time, you fucking came all over the damn place" I tease and his cheeks turn pink. "Did not" He says and picks it up off the floor. I walk over to him and sit on his lap "I can show you when we get back, but I think you did." I whisper in Duff's ear, referring to the tape. His mouth gaps open "oh yea?" He asks "oh yeah" I say nodding my head. His hands inch closer to my sides "don't you fucking dare" I say looking at his hands then back up to him. "Oh, I think I will" he smirks. When his hands make contact with my sides and start tickling me I let out a small scream.

   I try to control my laughter "Duff stop! Oh my god please!" I silently laugh while gasping for air. I only did that around Duff because it was really annoying to hear. I try and cover my mouth and control my laugh. "Duff please stop!" I practically scream. I wrap my legs around him and try to get up from the couch. "Please!" I yell as the band watches with smiles on their faces. I resort to the only thing I properly know how to do and I kiss Duff. His hands stop and grab my waist immediately I pull away and sit next to him. "Haha I got you!" I say heavily breathing. Finally Axl comes around with a red truck and beeps. We all cheer and I grab the blanket "ooh that's a good idea" Steven says and goes to grab his.

   Izzy and slash nod and walk to the bunks. Me and Duff smile and run out to the truck hand in hand as if I wasn't breathing hard enough. I put the blanket in the bed of the truck and step up. Duff grabs my ass and I look back at him "what? I'm helping" he smirks. "What ever you say Duff" I say and sit down. Duff gets up and lays on top of me. Slash runs and throws his blanket in then jumps in quickly as if he was excaping zombies. Izzy follows but he's walking slowly. The truck horn beeps "hurry up you dickheads!" Axl yells laughing. All of the sudden I hear a girl scream. Steven runs out of the bus with a blanket and a pillow with a scared look on his face. "Who was that?" I ask with a smile on my face.

   "That was Steven!" Slash says laughing his ass off and me and Duff join. "You guys! Look what I have!" I say pulling a joint out of my purse. All of the guys smile. I light it, then take a puff of it and hand it to Duff. We hand it to one another untill Steven needs help getting into the truck. "Guys I can't get up" he says and jumps up once again "figure it out" I respond and look at Duff getting off of me to help him. I pass the joint to Slash. He smokes some of it then passes it to Izzy "one of us has to stay grounded" he says and passes it to me. I shrug and look at Duff who is sitting next to Steven. "Ooh..." Slash and Izzy say when I give Duff a look. "Oh my God this lady needs me all the time I cannot get one minute without her" Duff whispers to Steven then crawls over to me.

   I pretend I don't hear anything and cuddle on him like nothing happened. The guys look at me with worry and shock in their eyes. I take a big breath of the joint then hand it to Duff. The truck starts moving "about time!" I yell putting on a fake smile. "Do you guys know when we are leaving?" Steven asks "yeah tomorrow morning, we are taking a private plane jet thing" Izzy says softly. The rest of the ride was pretty quiet other than Steven singing loudly at other cars when we stopped. I hand the joint to Slash but he refuses it. "Damn you guys are boring" I say and hand it to Duff smiling. He leans in to kiss me but I push him away softly. He looks at me shocked "uh oh" Slash says quietly.

   Duff looks away from me pouting like a little kid. Axl finds a nice spot and comes out of the truck. He opens the tailgate and gets up. "Oh shit I don't have a blanket" he says "you can share with me" Steven offers and Axl agrees. We all get comfy and the movie starts. Duffs hand rests on my thigh and rubs softly. I ignore it at first but his hand moves slowly up. I take another puff of the joint and realize it hit me hard. "Hey, I'm gonna go get something from the snack thing" I tell the guys quietly and get up. "Me too" Duff adds and follows me. I ignore him completely. "What are you gonna get?" He asks trying to hold my hand but I fold my arms. "Y/n?" He asks "y/n.." he groans.

Shake Me (Duff Mckagan) 14 Chapters.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora