【Chapter 8】

Start from the beginning

"I didn't say you should," he shook his head and tilted it to the side to get a better look at her face.

Under the starlight, it seemed like the stars swam in her clear eyes, but the fire in them lashed out at him to burn him. The flames should warn off others, but it only pulled him closer as he took a step closer to her.

They held each other's stare for a few seconds, letting the tension thicken between them. A warm breeze brushed past them, causing Beadie's blonde hair to lift with it, lightly combing through the wild locks. Alejandro had no idea how could someone that looked like an angel be so stubborn and look at someone with so much heat.

She looked innocent, but her eyes told another tale. He saw the determination, the want to do something important burn bright in her eyes. How could he say no to that?

Beadie felt herself fall deeper and deeper into his dark eyes, his darkness reaching toward her. She felt if she didn't look away soon, it would swallow her more and right now she couldn't afford that.

As she diverted her gaze, her eyes got caught by something shiny just under the neckline of his shirt. She recognized one of the silver chains that every soldier wore, holding their dog tags. But she took notice of the small silver cross more, hanging over the neckline.

"I see you believe in God," her eyes flashed back to his. Alejandro furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and it took him a second to catch onto what she meant. He instantly reached up and tucked the cross under his shirt. "Then have a little faith in me, too. I won't mess it up."

Despite her words, she could still see he was hesitating. Not like she needed permission from him to go and do her job, but she wanted to be on his good side. They were a team now and they needed to work together. But it wouldn't work if he would question everything she did.

"Do you want a pinky promise or what?" she burst out, suddenly feeling heat tint her cheeks.

A dark, warm chuckle came from Alejandro as he shook his head in disbelief. She couldn't help but smile along with him, the previous heavy air finally lifting and vanishing with another breeze.

Even if it seemed stupid, he raised his gloved hand and held out his pinky finger for her.

"Promise you won't die in there," Alejandro said softly, his dark eyes staring right into her soul.

Beadie let herself get lost in them for a second before she wrapped her pinky finger around his. He had large hands.

"Promise," Beadie smiled at him, him giving a soft smile in return.

And the stars and the lone Moon above them were the witnesses of their vow, and Beadie made it her special mission to never let down Alejandro Vargas.


Light pressure on her shoulder snapped her out of her thoughts, just to find Isabel still standing behind her with a concerned look on her face. Beadie couldn't help but notice how her previous shine dimmed over the days.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Beadie forced a small smile on her face, hoping it would be finally enough to get Isabel off her back. She needed to be alone tonight, she didn't want to danger the other girls with her mission.

But before Isabel could question her further, a guard knocked loudly three times on the door, signaling for them that it was time to go. Isabel patted her shoulder before she stepped away and made her way towards the door with the girls.

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