Spencer's eyes widened in surprise, and she couldn't help but smile. "Impressive deduction, Mr...?"

"Y/n, you can leave now," Y/n heard Nora's voice over the comms.

"Thawne," Y/n smiled as he extended his hand. "Y/n Thawne," Spencer took his hand but instead of shaking it, he lifted her hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on the back of her hand.

"Gentleman, and here I thought Chilvary was dead," Spencer's cheeks turned red once more.

"Y/n?" Now it was Iris calling out but Y/n chose to ignore them, this was one of the few interactions he has enjoyed since coming to this timeline.

"Nonsense, I am sure you get this all the time,"

"You would be surprised to learn that it doesn't happen too often," Spencer turned her gaze towards the cup in her hand.

"I see, your intelligence and beauty scare most men then," Y/n watched as the smile crawled back onto Spencer's face. "Then it's a good thing I don't scare easily,"

"As wonderful as this has been and trust me, it has been incredible," Spencer paused, her eyes scanning over the Thawne in front of her. "I have something I need to attend to," She explained, watching as Y/n took his phone out of his pocket.

"No sweat, then I'll get your number and I can give you a call when we are both free," Y/n smiled as he handed his phone to the Journalist, she giggled before placing her drink down and quickly typing her number in.

"A little too confident," She shook her head, clearly amused by him.

"Well, it got me your number didn't it?" Y/n fired back as he slid his phone back into his pockets, Spencer rolled her eyes before waving as she walked off.

Y/n shook his head before walking back to the van, as he got closer though he was met with the door flinging open and Nora stepping out and began marching down the street.

"Nora?" Y/n called out.

"Leave me alone," She yelled back, soon she dashed away, purple lightning sparkling as she did.

"What..." Y/n muttered as he turned to the can where a hurt Iris sat next to a shocked Barry. "I'll just drive us to the labs," Y/n suggested as he looked at the two, Barry was the one to answer with a slight nod, Y/n closed the back before walking around to the front and hoping in.

A few days had passed and everything was calm, Y/n had actually had life easy for once. Barry was doing some CCPD stuff and he would lend a hand every now and then, Ralph and Sherloque were doing their own thing and he still wasn't on the whole buddy-buddy level with Iris to actually care what she was up to. Things had been surprisingly quiet, with no attacks or requests from Nora, in fact, Y/n hardly saw the Purple Speedster.

Right now he sat next to Caitlin in her lab as she studied the results in front of her. "That's unusual," She muttered as she looked at the screen.

"Doctor Snow," A raspy voice called out as they saw his reflection in the mirror. Caitlin screamed while Y/n felt adrenaline kick in as they spun around only to find Sherloque with a mask that looked like Cicada's. "Woah, Doctor Snow, I didn't mean to frighten you," Sherloque quickly spoke up, seemingly ignoring the Speedster in the room.

"I assume you came here for some other reason, other than murdering..." Caitlin paused before looking at the Speedster next to her. "Trying to murder me," She shook her head as she looked at the Detective.

Nexus: SpeedBound Redemption (A Nora West-Allen X Y/n Thawne) [Discontinued?!]Where stories live. Discover now