Chapter 12:

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"And here's the Meta-Watch," Barry spoke as he handed Y/n the strange watch. "Press that button and if Spencer is a Meta, then it'll beep," He explained as Y/n strapped it to his wrist.

"Does Y/n really have to be the one to go?" Nora asked as she sat one side, watching the group.

"Well, we don't want her to actually think we are after her," Iris explained as she looked at the monitors. "So we need to make her think we are actually trying to befriend her," She added as she turned to face her daughter.

"Yeah, but why does it have to be Y/n?" She looked at her mother as she rolled her eyes.

"Because I'm a Barista by trade, people love me," Y/n joked as he looked at the pouting Speedster.

"Y/n has proven to have a much faster reaction time as well," Iris continued as she looked at her husband, implying that the son of your husband's arch nemesis might be faster than him must have been embarrassing. "So if she is a Meta, he can get back here faster and she knows both your father and I, so we can't do anything,"

"Fine, whatever," Nora rolled her eyes as she leaned against the can's interior. "Have fun," Nora shouted, sarcasm dripping from her voice as she watched Y/n close the door.

"I see her," Y/n spoke over the comms as he pushed the door to Jitters open and walked in.

"All you have to do is get within five feet of her," Iris explained. "Hit the button, in and out,"

"No problem," Y/n chuckled as he got closer to the Journalist.

"You should totally name one of your drinks after the new female Speedster, XS," Y/n heard Spencer talking to the Barista. "It sucks that no one knows her boyfriend's name," Spencer shrugged her shoulders as she turned around, stopping just before walking into the bigger figure. "Sorry,"

"Spencer Young? At Jitters?" Y/n chuckled as he playfully furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Why do you sound surprised?" Spencer played along, smiling at the man.

"From what I've heard you are somewhat of a celebrity," Y/n smiled.

"You've heard?"

"Well, I have read your work and it is incredible but that wouldn't sound as nice as if ten people said the same thing," Y/n explained as he shrugged his shoulders. "The words of many is superior to the word of one,"

"Oh, a philosopher," Spencer cocked her head as she watched Y/n. "Handsome, smart and knows my work,"

"Well of course I know your work," Y/n shook his head as he chuckled. "It's not every day you find a lady with the full package, I mean look at you, brains and beauty," Y/n smiled as he watched a shade of pink tint cover Spencer's cheeks, he took the opportunity to press the button when she looked away from him and took a sip of her coffee. Y/n leaned casually on the counter, his gaze briefly drifting to her coffee cup. "Enjoying your Vanilla latte?"

Spencer blinked, clearly taken aback. "Wow, you've got a keen eye. How did you know?"

Y/n chuckled softly, his smile never wavering. "It's not just about what you're drinking, it's about the kind of person you are."

Curiosity piqued, Spencer leaned in a little closer. "Oh? Do tell."

Y/n gestured towards her phone screen, where she was working on an article that he couldn't really see. "You're a journalist, passionate about your work, and you've got a knack for digging up hidden truths. People like you tend to appreciate the simple comforts in life, like a warm and comforting vanilla latte. It keeps your mind sharp for your next big story."

Nexus: SpeedBound Redemption (A Nora West-Allen X Y/n Thawne) [Discontinued?!]Where stories live. Discover now