"Sisters never touch their brothers feet" He said and patted her head.

She moved towards Arjun's feet and was about to clean them but he bend down a little and touched her arms and made her stand up. Shivers ran through their spine as they touched.

Arjun shook his head indicates her to not to do it. Her hands trembled. She handed over the kalash to subhadra and excused herself from there.

"Maiyya.. I'll come in a minute" She excused herself. Devaki nodded.

After that Arjun and Krishna were welcome in the palace.

Krishnaa ran through the corridors and went inside her room as fast as she could. She locked the door behind her. She sat down with a thud with hand on her mouth. Tears ran down from her eyes continuously.

She has completed messed up everything. The memories of last night crossed her mind. She told Rajkumar Arjun that she loves him. He must have came there to ask about her but she messed up everything. She decided to ignore him, but how can someone ignore their love ? She was in the thoughts when she heard subhadra calling from outside.

"Jiji...jiji...come out everyone are calling you for dinner" Subhadra shouted.

Krishnaa opened the door.

"Jiji.. were you crying ?"Subhadra asked her worried.

"No my dear..just a little kumkum fell in my eyes"Krishnaa lied. Subhadra nodded and they went down.

Everyone were sitting on the dining table. A maiden was standing near devaki.

Arjun was sitting on the second last chair near the wall.

"Arjun..she is daughter of one of my distant sister...Sulochana and Sulochana he is Arjun my nephew " Devaki said introducing Sulochana

(Imagine whoever you want as Sulochana)

"Oh is it ?" Sulochana said moving towards him.

"Pranipaat Rajkumar" Sulochana said seductively but Arjun royaly ignored her. He hated this type of Princesses who would throw themselves on others.

Arjun saw behind her. He saw his Krishnaa standing behind Sulochana. Jealousy can be clearly seen in her eyes. Subhadra ran and sat beside Devaki. Now only 2 seats were empty and there were on the either side of Arjun. Sulochana quickly sat beside him. Now only 1 seat was empty and that was beside Arjun in the corner beside the wall. Krishnaa went and sat there as she didn't had any other option.

Sulochana was trying to stick Arjun which triggered Krishnaa. Arjun was hell irritated by now. She was continuously blabbering about how she is the most beautiful maiden (actually not), how she is intelligent (absolutely not), how thousands of princes are behind her for marriage (safed jhoot) etc..

Krishnaa too was really fed up with her behaviour. She fake coughed to part them away.

Arjun thought something and an evil smirk came on his lips. He purposely hit his hand on the water glass which fell down and the water spread in between their chairs.

"I am really sorry Rajkumari Sulochana"Arjun fake apologized.

"Oho...Arjun let it be now putra...you shift your chair towards krishnaa and start you dinner"Devaki said to which Arjun nodded and quickly shifted his chair towards krishnaa. Then the food was served and they all prayed and started their dinner.

Arjun slowly rubbed his leg on Krishnaa's leg. Krishnaa felt some ticklish near her leg, she looked down and saw Arjun's leg. She looked at him, but he was silently eating his food like nothing happened and everything is normal. After that Arjun's left hand slowly wrapped around her waist and drew patterns on it. Krishnaa slowly gasped and tried to Remove his hand but a strong and possesive warrior he was, his hand didn't even moved a millimetre. His hand clutched her waist. Her soft skin felt like butter under his fingers.

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