The Originals Equilibrium (Chapters 12-17)

Start from the beginning

Chapter 13

They arrived at the park where there was a playground full of children, full of slides, climbing equipment, swings and even a zip line. Both Sarah and Nathans eyes lit up with joy, they wanted to run right to it and play. But Serena and Elijah walked right past heading to the ice cream truck to get some ice cream. Nathan and Sarah pleaded to go to the park with Serena telling them they will get some ice cream first and then go to the playground afterwards. Although the pair weren't overly happy with not going to the playground right then and there, they followed them to the truck to get some ice cream. They waited a few minutes for their turn as they watched the children in front of them get handed a white thing that looked like a cloud and start licking it with their tongue. Before he knew it Elijah handed him an ice cream and watched as Serena used a spell to convince the man she paid him for the four ice creams. The family then sat on a bench near the playground, their ice creams in hand, they made sure it was secluded so hopefully no one would recognise them. Nathan watched his mum and dad start to eat the ice cream and saw that they were enjoying it. He then started to eat his, his face lit up and he had the biggest smile on his face it wasn't like anything he had ever tasted before so cold and creamy. "Dad that is Delicious!" he screamed with joy. Sarah was too busy devouring hers to comment. Elijah winking at him he was almost done with his as well. They all sat there eating the desserts like they were in heaven, them all enjoying the cold sweat buzz of the ice cream until there very last bite of the wafer cone. After they had finished Elijah used his handkerchief to get any extra ice cream off their faces and after a few minutes they headed to the playground. Both Sarah and Nathan were buzzing with excitement. Elijah and Serena managed to secure a bench in the playground and Elijah told the children, "Be careful and don't talk to strangers," Nathan looked at Elijah confused, "What is a stranger?". "It's people you don't know," Elijah replied remembering they had no concept of stranger danger. "If someone tries to hurt you punch them right in the face!" Serena butted in, Elijah giving her the side eye. "Okay, mum!" Nathan said as the two of them rushed off to play on the climbing frame. The proud parents watched them walk off when a child ran up behind them, Nathan blurted out, "Back Stranger!" "Our daddy says were not allowed to talk to you!" Sarah chimed in. Serena looked at Elijah who was embarrassed, whilst Serena was laughing hysterically. "Begone stranger! My dad's over there" the pair heard Nathan call from across the playground. The other parents at the playground were starting to look at Elijah and Serena with judgemental stares. "We should probably go tell them not to hit anyone in the face," Elijah commented. Serena's face dropped as she realised what she had told them, and they rushed off to prevent them from punching another child in the face. They went over to them as they were transitioning from the slide to the swings, "I did what you said dad," Nathan said, Elijah couldn't argue with him he did tell him not to talk to strangers. "Do you want me to push you on the swing?" he asked Nathan and he happily obliged with Serena doing the same for Sarah. Although he found it difficult to control his strength while pushing the swing ending up just using his index finger to keep the swings momentum making sure Nathan didn't fly off into the nearby forest. Meanwhile Nathan was having an amazing time of the swing, "I can touch the sky!" he exclaimed. "Please don't let go," Elijah said worriedly not wanting him to swing off into the horizon. Then at the corner of his eye he saw Marcel walking past. Serena followed his gaze still pushing Sarah, "Who is it?" she asked finding Marcel. "That's Marcel. If he sees me here, he will tell Klaus," Elijah replied trying to act casual. "Why didn't you say so," she said preforming a spell which turned Elijah's hair blonde. "Haha you look funny!" Nathan laughed looking behind at Elijah's hair. They watched as Marcel walked by without even looking their way. Elijah let out a sigh of relief and Serena clicked her fingers turning his hair back to normal. "How did you do that?" He asked. "I've been known to dabble in illusion spells," she chuckled "I would like to know what else you dabble in," Elijah said not meaning it the way it came out. "I bet you would," they both laughed, the children being confused. Nathan and Sarah then got off the swings and went to have one last go on the slide before heading home, Elijah and Sarah waited on the side. "On a serious note, my speciality is curses, James is the master of illusions. My sister Alex, well, you don't want to be on her bad side. I heard it's gets bloody" Serena said sadly. "So do demons have special aspects of magic that there better at?" Elijah asked. "Er- not really it's up to the demon what they use their magic for, even before I was turned I enjoyed using my witch magic to curse people. I even made a bunch of girls in our village barren once, now that was fun," she laughed. Elijah shook his head and smiled, "Why do I feel like you and Nicklaus would get along,". She looked at him in disbelief, "Na, there would be too much of a power struggle. Which I would inevitably win," she said assertively. "I don't know if he would agree with you about that," Elijah said grinning at her. Then Sarah and Nathan came back from the slide and Serena asked, "You ready to go home?" to which they both nodded tiredly. The four of them began to head back but before they got there about halfway Nathan and Sarah couldn't walk anymore so Elijah carried both Nathan and Sarah after Serenas failed attempt to hold Sarah. They then proceeded to walk back with Elijah trying not to trip over with his limited vision. Serena was deep in thought barely speaking on the way back. Although he couldn't turn his head Elijah could sense Serena was upset about the possibility of reaching out to her siblings. Elijah sighed, "I have done things that my siblings should probably hate me for-"he started Serena looked up following his voice, "But although I have done these things I know that if I needed help they would come to my aid because that's what family is,". Serena looked at him his admiration for his family made her feel envious and lonely, "So you think I should just forgive them for everything that happened?" Serena asked half angry half curious to see what Elijah would say next, "Of course not. What I'm saying is that you need to move forward for both you and Nathan. He deserves to be spoiled by his aunt and uncle," Elijah smiled. Serena laughed knowing that if her siblings did find out about Nathan, he would indeed be spoiled but she didn't know if she could find it In her heart to tell them. "What if I can't do it? What if he doesn't want to help you and Nathan because of me," She questioned sporadically. "There's only one way to find out," he replied. They arrived back at the pack Serena now boosted with confidence knew exactly what she had to do to help her son, she didn't have a choice but to call James. She went to get out her phone when she realised that she didn't have his number. Meanwhile Elijah put the two sleeping children in bed for a nap then went back downstairs to find Serena who was on the phone outside when he was stopped by Alpha Peter. "Raven, your back. Can I borrow you for a moment," he asked. Elijah nodded and followed him to the next room which was a huge study, there where boxes everywhere with matching cobwebs and large amounts of dust. Alpha peter then walked over to the desk and retrieved a letter from on top of the desk, he then handed it to Elijah. Elijah looked at the letter

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