Taehyung sat at the table, engrossed in his phone but still present in the family moment.

"Taehyung, go upstairs and call Jungkook for dinner," Mr. Kim instructed, prompting Taehyung to comply.

As Taehyung made his way upstairs, he noticed that the door to Jungkook's bedroom was closed but not locked.

He approached the door slowly, opening it with caution.

However, upon entering, Taehyung was taken aback, finding something shocking inside.

Jungkook was lying on the bed shirtless and his one hand was inside his pants.

He was literally doing masturbation while mo_ning shamelessly.

Taehyung's eyes widened in shock as he stood there.

On the other hand Jungkook quickly pulled out his hand when he recognized someone's presence at his door.

Jungkook tilted his head as he saw Taehyung, who was watching him with widened eyes.

"Sh*t". Jungkook cursed as he quickly get up while zipping his pants.

"W-what are you doing here". Taehyung sensed back when Jungkook spoke.

Taehyung quickly slammed the door shut and left.

Jungkook stood there while staring at the door which was shaking lightly.


Taehyung quickly went downstairs.

His heart was beating nonstop as he entered the kitchen.

"Oh Tae, why did you take so long and where is Jungkook?" Mr. Kim asked while looking at Taehyung, who was sitting on the chair.

"Uhmm... he'll come soon," Taehyung replied.

Jungkook was delayed in coming to the kitchen, so they started having dinner.

"Jungkook, where were you and why did it take you so long to arrive?" Marina asked her son.

Taehyung looked at the door as he saw Jungkook entering the kitchen.

He quickly lowered his head down.

"Was just talking to a friend on the phone," Jungkook lied as his eyes focused on Taehyung who wasn't looking at him.

On the other hand, Taehyung was afraid to even make eye contact with Jungkook. Taehyung's heart beat increased even more when Jungkook sat next to him.

He quickly got up and headed for the door.

"Where are you going, Tae?!" Marina asked, concerned.

"I'm not hungry, momma," Taehyung replied without looking back as he soon walked out of the kitchen, heading upstairs.

When Taehyung came out of there, Jungkook also came out, which made Marina and Mr. Kim a bit confused.

"What happened to these two?" Marina asked in disbelief.

"Don't know," Mr. Kim replied, while looking at the door from where both his sons had gone.


Taehyung went to his room and lay on the bed while feeling frustrated.

He didn't know why he had left the kitchen, but his heart was beating very fast and he didn't feel like sitting with Jungkook, so he had left.

Suddenly, there was a knock on his door.

Taehyung looked at the door and saw Jungkook opening it, which made his eyes widen in surprise.

"What are you doing here?!" Taehyung asked, looking at Jungkook who was approaching him.

Step Brother | Taekook ( 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now