Arguments 💜

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I was planning on posting a more personal chapter but I need more time to finish it so..

What is it like to argue with them? 🤔



For obvious reasons, you rarely ever get into arguments with Sunny. The main reason being is that he doesn't talk much but also because Sunny is always on your good side. He's always going along with whatever you want to do with no complaints and even when he's not doing that, it never sprouts arguments. ( You simply shrug it off and go hang out with Kel most times and other times, you end up staying and chilling with him )

On the very scarce occasion that you do get into an argument it usually doesn't last long. Sunny is never actively doing stuff that would upset you so most likely you two got into an argument over some simple mistake or misunderstanding caused by miscommunication. Even so, Sunny absolutely despises fighting with you so usually he just nods along to everything you say until you're no longer mad and if that doesn't work, he'll even verbally reassure you. ( Although he prefers to nod along, saying nothing is so much easier to him.. )


Fights with Basil happen once every blue moon for multiple reasons. One, you have almost nothing to fight about. Two, he's a people pleaser-

Anyways, when you guys fight it never last longer than a few minutes because Basil will do everything in his power to derail the argument. Even if he knows you're in the wrong and he did nothing, he will pretend to be in the wrong just to make you happy because he's scared that you'll abandon him. Yes, it stings a bit but if it prevents you from leaving him then he doesn't care. ( Hell, this boy would probably let a train run him over if it meant you'd stay with him.. )


Arguments sprout between you and Aubrey all the time and usually, it's the cause of something petty and insignificant. See, Aubrey is a very defensive and guarded person so even if things start small and even a bit goofy, things can easily go south and when they do, it usually leads to you two distancing yourselves from each other because of the things you said to one another. ( And it can last a pretty long time if you're a prideful person who can't be mature enough to be the bigger person and apologize ) But don't worry, usually the Hooligans are there for you both and unless it something super serious and personal that they can't/won't involve themselves in, they usually manage to get you two to make up in the span of a few days.


Arguments with Hero don't happen often and when they do, they never last and I do mean it when I say that it never last. Hero, although he doesn't act like it sometimes, is very mature for his age plus he's very respectful and just an amazing boyfriend overall. He never pressures you to tell him anything or do something you don't want to do and he was never one to judge so usually when you two argue, it's because of his clinginess or some misunderstanding. No matter what the reason is though, Hero will always handle arguments with the upmost seriousness and maturity. He will listen to what you have to say and wait his turn to speak and when he does speak, he never yells and calmly talks to you. In the end, you two resolve the conflict civilly and he even manages to charm you enough to crack a small smile.


Okay, Kel can act very immature. Even so, arguments with him usually only start because of certain circumstances. Maybe you were having a bad day and he just wouldn't leave you alone or maybe he ate your snack you had waited all day to eat. Reasons like this are usually what gets the fire lit but once it's going, it's not hard to fan out. Once Kel realizes you're actually angry with him and not just pretending to be, he grows quiet and doesn't talk. He'll let you scream and fuss at him until all your anger is out of your system and then he takes the blame and comforts you. So what if you hurt his feelings and he's tearing up? So what if he's just a little sensitive when it comes to people he cares about being mad and screaming at him? It's not your fault, don't worry! He's the problem! 


You and Mari argue more times than one may think. She's a very particular person who likes things done a certain way. She's a perfectionist and if something is anything less than excellent, she'll lash out and become upset with whatever ( or whoever ) the problem is and sometimes, the problem is you. Now, I won't say Mari is super disrespectful or anything but things can get pretty heated between you two. Whenever that happens, Mari distances herself from you until she's able to calm down and once she's calm, she'll confront you and work things out. ( Now, I don't think she'd exactly apologize to you but at the very least you two can come to a sorta mutual understanding and move on )


You and Polly never fight! Polly is such a sweet and caring soul that you two never have a reason to argue about anything! ..Or so I'd like to say.

I'd like to think Polly has a problem with overworking herself for the sake of others which can result in her health depleting in the long run. ( Or short run, depends on how much she pushes herself ) Since you care about her, you may say something and she, although not likely, may say something back and the dispute evolves from there. Nevertheless it doesn't last long because either Polly taps out because she's too exhausted or she ends up listening once she realizes that you're right and that she should probably take a break.


Kim and you go at it all the time, usually having petty little back and forths. Kim is very sarcastic and can always find a reason to argue or pick a fight but she never takes it too far with you so it's only on the rarest of days were one of you is in a bad enough mood to get personal and allow the back and forth to escalate. If that happens, Kim grows defensive and acts like your the problem, that you're overreacting, and that you need to chill out which makes things worst and ends in you giving her the silent treatment. She shrugs it off though, not caring about your tantrum. You'll come around eventually and if you don't she'll find a way to 'apologize' later. For now, she's going to go stuff her face with candy and maybe go complain about this to Aubrey..


Oh, you and Mikael get into arguments literally every day and I can't blame you. He's arrogant, self-centered, and loud. Very, very loud. He's always drawing attention to himself and he never listens to anything but his own praises. However, when he realizes that you're annoyed with him, ( And not your usual annoyed, I mean like actually seething ) Mikhael panics. His biggest fear is losing you so even if he may pretend in front of others, once eyes are off of him he's practically on his knees apologizing and begging for your forgiveness. ( Heck, if he has to he'll do it in front of a whole crowd if it'll get you to accept his apology ) He'll spew out apology after apology and would even go out of his way to get you an apology gift. Whatever it is that you want, he'll do just please don't hate him! You're the best thing that has happened to him! :(

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