"What happen to her? She looks horrible!" Phantomblaze stopped at the door way, stunned before leaving. "And is this your healer? Those scars! They're horrible! What happen?" Pepper hissed. Blindheart just stared, eyes widen. "This can't be your healer! Healers don't have scars!" Pepper continued on. "That's where your wrong you see-" Luni was interrupted by Pepper, "No! I will not be healed by a scarred cat! Where is your real healer?" "I am their real-" Blindheart was interrupted by Pepper, "Get me away from her! She looks horrible! Why would a cat want her as a healer!" Blindheart just stood there, jaw dropped and stunned, "Ok, maybe we can take you to Light shadow once he returns, he's our leader." Luni offered as he gives an apologentic look at Blindheart as he led her away. Blindheart just stood their stunned still even staring at her scar on her side.


"So this is Pepper?" Light shadow questioned, "Your sick?" "Yes." Pepper meowed, seeming calmer now with Light shadow then Blindheart or Phantomblaze. "Light shadow can we get rid of her." Phantomblaze asked, "Shes mean. A few minates ago she said I looked horrible and no one have ever commenting on my scars before." "Is that true?" Light shadow asked. "She was just scared." Luni stood up to Pepper's defense before she could speak, "When I found her she was hiding and stammering her words. Phantomblaze only scared her, she might of never seen a cat with scars before." It didn't take long for Coolkittycat to look angerly at Pepper as she looked up from conforting her friend, even her throat growled threatenly. "Is that true?" Light shadow asked agained. "Yes, sorry. I wasn't expecting any of your cats to have scars. It scares me." "Well I hope you don't be scared from now on." Light shadow meowed, "When do you think you will be well again?" "I don't know." Pepper told him. "I will allow you to remain here." Light shadow meowed, "Until you are strong enough to leave, but next time don't mark borders that don't belong to you." "What?" Coolkittycat hissed, "Your letting her stay here!" "Yes, you got a problem with that?" Light shadow asked. "It is when your best friend was found crying in the bathroom!" Coolkittycat spat.

"And you are?" Pepper questioned with a cough. "Coolkittycat and you will not insult my friend again or else we're gonna have problems got that!" Coolkittycat warned after introducing herself. "W-Why are you so mean?" Pepper eyes went all wobbly, "I-I said I was sorry." "Coolkittycat enough!" Light shadow hissed, "Your making our guest unwelcome!" Coolkittycat's throat growled threatenly but heard whimpers from Blindheart so she turn to attend to her. "You ok Blindheart?" Light shadow asked. "No shes not ok!" Coolkittycat spat, "She was the one crying in the bathroom!" then her voice soften at Blindheart, "Come on, let's leave them be. Maybe some sleep can get your mind off those cruel words and that good for nothing bully."

"Wait, I want her to care for Pepper." Light shadow told her. Coolkittycat bared her teeths at Light shadow, "And she will not." Luni sighs, "Would you feel better if you were there with Blindheart while she treats-" "No!" Coolkittycat hissed, "Not once or ever with that rouge!" she led Blindheart away, her eyes glared angerly at Pepper. "W-Why is she so mean?" Pepper voiced wobbled. "I don't know, shes not usally like this." Light shadow told her softly, "Luni take her to The Healing Area. I'll try and convince Coolkittycat to have Blindheart heal her."


"Here we are." Luni meowed, "Theres the bed." "You expect me to sleep here." Pepper hissed. "It's all we have for sick cats." Luni told her. Pepper leaped on the bed, "This bed will do but maybe some redecorating in this room." she laid down, "Maybe some differant color then plain white, like light blue." Luni meowed "I doubt it, it's our healer's choice wheiter if she wants to change the room or not. Right now, Blindheart likes it the way it is." "Then that Blindheart is boring and need some makeup for her scars." Pepper hissed. "You shouldn't be mean." Luni told sternly, "Blindheart's a good healer, there's nothing wrong with her. Fluffy what are you doing here?" Fluffy frowned, "Light shadow spoke with Coolkittycat she refuse to let Blindheart near our visitor so Light shadow gived up and sent me instead."

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