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Zariana Avia Kings was born in South Chicago she was mainly raised by her mom. Her father was always in Memphis doing street shit while her mom was pregnant with her sista she was in Memphis.

And their dad was still selling dope doin street shit killings and all. Her older sista Erianna was born in South Memphis where she grew up once her mom got pregnant with Zarianna she knew she couldn't stay in Memphis or she or her kids was going to get killed so they moved to Chicago.

Zariana had another older sista named Brookyln but she ended up getting killed shit playing outside. So her mom knew she had to get out of Memphis.

Leaving their dad in Memphis. When Zariana was 7 years old she saw her mom doin coke and all that her sista basically carried her.

Erianna worked 3 jobs at 16 still going to school and getting an education making sure Zariana got to school on time and everything. Chicago wasn't much different from Memphis proverty was still there. Killing was still their so she really didn't take them from anywhere.

When Zariana was 14 years old her father came to Chicago to see them and he taught her and her sista how to shoot a gun what to do wit it and everything.

One day Zariana came home from school and her mom was lying on couch drunk and doped up like usual but there was a knock on the door and she was always told don't open the door for nobody but they knew she was in there she had no choice it was the police. When Erianna came home the police was with Zariana and takin her mom to the hospital.

CPS moved them back to Memphis with their dad while her mom recovered last time she ever saw her mom.

Zariana would study his work how he sold drugs how he made a profit and everything. Erianna graduated high school and went college leaving Zarianna alone by herself.

Zariana was in highschool by now Memphis was jus as dangerous as Chicago. When Zariana got to Highschool she met Josie and Ella they all hit it off really well so ever since Freshman year they was doin everything together.

When Zariana was a Junior she went to the club wit the girls and met the owner they ended up working as bartenders but couldn't drink at all. Den they got promoted into strippers and made money like neva before.

They was hustling and shit all day and all night making money. But Zariana wasn't any type of bitch she was the problem in the club.

Zariana always been her dad's daughter she ended up dating drug dealers setting niggas up foe dem and shit. Zariana was cold hearted her dad always taught her protect yourself at all cost do wut you gotta do.

By den her dad was in prison serving a life sentence she still goes and visits him from now nd den but he always tell her to focus on herself. She was her dad's lil minon she would make buys foe him go to the places foe him stash drugs and money foe him.

Zariana was doin shit a girl her age shouldn't be doin. The girls was trying to get her out that street lifestyle but she wouldn't budge.

Zariana saw niggas killed in front of her she was cold hearted and a killer yeah maybe she didn't pull the trigger sometimes but she always gave out da drop on dem.

Niggas couldn't deal wit her being a dancer and doin what she was doin.

Every guy she dated accused her of cheating they was so goddamn insecure but she neva cheated.

Zariana has a heart she jus neva shows it she has feelings she jus neva shows it she's human at the end of the day.

Yeah her heart been broke by a couple niggas but that didn't stop her being who she was going to be.

After her dad got locked up she kinda felt alone her sista was in college she was jus roaming da streets doin gods knows wut.

Zariana hides her emotions and has her guard up cause wen she let it down she always ended up gettin hurt so she jus doesn't show emotion anymore.

She went through a lot of shit you jus neva know she still smile at her lowest point in life at least she makin other people happy.

Now Zariana is a dancer/Stripper and is know as a Ig model but a tripping Ig model Ion know but she doin her own thing on her own shit...

𝑫𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑻𝒚𝒑𝒆 𝑶𝒇 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 | 𝐏𝐨𝐨𝐡 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐲Where stories live. Discover now