09. the plan?

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chapter nine,       the plan?

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chapter nine,
       the plan?

ʚ ═══・୨💌୧・═══ ɞ


around 30 minutes later, amy came out with all of their food. they all said thank you, and started eating.

"so, what's the plan?" amelie asked, looking up to the others.

"uh, ha, what?" aidan spoke.

"the plan? for shopping?"

"oh, oh, um, we're going to the mall right?" aidan looked to millie and job for confirmation, both nodding. amelie's phone buzzed, and she looked at her phone.

samandcolby sent you
a message!

"OH MY GOD!" amelie screamed, "sam and colby just messaged me!" aidan looked to amelie in complete shock.

"WH-HAT?" aidan grabbed amelies phone to look at it, and there it was. aidan nodded to the others, becoming very excited.

"well? are you gonna check it?" amelie thought about it for a second.

"maybe later, i wanna spend time with you guys!" amelie hugged aidan and he hugged back.

it had been another 30 minutes and they had now all finished their food, millie excusing herself to use the restroom, except went the opposite way of the restroom. amelie just shrugged it off and continued talking with aidan and noah.

noah and aidan looked behind amelie, suddenly a huge smile spread across their face. amelie tried to turn around, but noah stopped her.

"nuh-uh no peeking."

"is it bella?" aidan and noah stayed silent for a few moments.

"uh no..?" oh. amelie smiled with a small look.

"okay, turn around!" amelie turned around and was met with..


ʚ ═══・୨💌୧・═══ ɞ

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