"Still truth," Nace laughs.

"Okay..." I see Lauren's eyes widen as she reads aloud the question.

"Who was your worst sexual partner and why?" she doesn't even want to look him in the eye when asking this, or after. It's kind of funny in all honesty.

Nace starts to quickly pour himself a shot, while the guys laugh. It must be pretty bad then.

He clears his throat and takes a card. "Jan, truth or dare?"

"Dare, of course," he winks to us.

"Whisper something dirty in the ear of the person on your left," Nace reads, and you can see the moment on his face where he realises that means Jan has to say it to him.

"Alright," Jan gets closer to him and while he starts to whisper, we can see Nace's expression change to something inexplainable. Then he starts to laugh really loudly, and his laugh is so contagious that the rest starts to join, even though we have no idea what Jan said to him. And we probably don't want to know...

"Okay, okay. Jure. Truth or dare," 

"I will also do a dare," he smiles to me. Why oh why do I hope that his dare will have something to do with me?

"Put mascara on the person next to you," 

"What kind of dare is that," he laughs and Jan shrugs and hands over the card to him.

"Yup, it actually says that," before he even has to ask for it, Lauren has already grabbed her makeup bag.

He looks between me and Jan, our eye contact makes me go slightly red. I'm normally never this nervous around someone, but maybe the alcohol has done something weird to me today.

"I'll do it for both of you," he states, while taking the mascara from Lauren.

Jan is up first. After not long he's done, and he's done a good job, I must admit. 

"Wow you look so pretty," Jure laughs. He then turns to me while Jan shows off his eyelashes to everyone else.

"You are already pretty, of course, so I will try to not stab you in the eye," he smiles. And I swear to you, my stomach starts to flutter when he says this. Not the stabbing part of course, but him calling me pretty.

I guess I'm too used to guys using me for my body and looks, calling me hot or sexy won't get any reaction out of me. But pretty or beautiful just sounds so much more sincere.

I blush and try not to make too much eye contact with him while he applies the makeup. His concentration face is so charming though, and it's kind of cute how careful he's trying to be.

"Okay, I'm done," he looks like a proud guy, so it must be good. I get out my phone and turn on the selfie camera. 

"Perfect," I compliment him.

"Thank you. Now it's your turn, truth or dare Julia?" he asks.

"Hmm.. I'll do a dare,"

"Good choice," he turns around the card.

"Scroll through your contacts list until I say stop, and then send a sexy message to that person," he smirks.

I get out my contacts app and start to scroll with my eyes closed.


The name under my finger reads 'Vic' which stands for Victor. He's the only friend I have back in my hometown, so I'm not really too happy about it.

As stated before, we have kind of a complicated past. And I can imagine a sexy message will complicate it even more.

On the other side, I'm happy it wasn't my mom or something.

"What do you want me to send?"

"I know something," he holds out his hand and I hand him the phone. He lets me look over his shoulder.

"Is this good? Do you need to translate it?" he asks.

"Hmmm. Okay then. And no, English is fine," sighing slightly, I send the message. I don't want to seem like a pussy, and I don't think Vic takes me that seriously anyway.

To quickly move on, I get myself a card.

"Lucia, our last contender, truth or dare,"

"Dare, obviously," 

I grin. "Lick the foot of the person on your right," looks like she isn't getting out of that contact with Bojan. Maybe it's a sign.

"Ha ha. No, give me a new one," 

"No, that's the only one you get," 

"Well, with all due respect Bojan, I will not lick any part of you," she chugs down not one, but two shots.

Me and Lauren look at each other, one eyebrow raised. We both know they will end up making out at the end of the night anyway, but apparently it's not clear to her yet.

"Fine by me. I don't want you licking me either," Bojan rolls his eyes and lays back.

Yeah, right.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and immediately stiffen up. I know it was just a silly dare but I can't help but think that sending that message to Vic might have been a mistake...

That Summer - Jure MačekWhere stories live. Discover now