neteyam's body began to still, his muscles growing weaker and heavier by the second as lo'ak beckoned spider and tsireya over to help, ordering them to assist in keeping your eldest brother's body afloat above the wavering sea.

the four of you managed to carry him over to tsireya's ilu, the task of getting him to mount the animal proving to be rather difficult through the panic flooding your minds.

"grab him!" lo'ak ordered as you swung a leg over the animal's back, hiking yourself up to sit behind your brother as you tightly gripped his shoulder and torso.

normally, you would've shot back a sour retort at the mindless words, but the weary you felt for neteyam's life was the only thought clouding intensely behind your eyes, and you stayed silent.

"holy shit," your human companion gaped from your twin's side, his gaze trailing down the bloodied section of skin surrounding the na'vi's wound.

letting a strained coughing bubble past his throat, neteyam groaned as you lifted his upper body straight, your hands shaking while lo'ak moved to sit in front of the two of you, holding his brother's arm over his chest.

tsireya and spider gripped the opposite ends of the ilu just as lo'ak willed the creature on, frantic ushers coming from the sky boy as the five of you carried off away from the wreckage.

"they have kiri and tuk," tsireya suddenly informed from your side, your eyes widening as you whipped your head around to gaze at the ship's figure growing further into the distance of the ocean.

"i can't go back," lo'ak exasperatedly huffed, tightly gripping neteyam's arm.

your lips moved to sandwich between your teeth, feeling the convulsing skin of your hands clutching your brother even firmer at the epiphany.

the sense that wrapped itself around your heart was absolutely mortifying. you felt nothing but pure frustration and fear take over the decision-making section of your brain as you bit harshly at the skin of your cheeks.

there was nothing that could be done in the moment; you held your wounded and motionless elder brother between your arms as your younger sisters assumedly fought for their lives against the merciless people of the sky.

you tried thinking— wracked and pounded your brain for any sort of omniscience you could come across, yet found yourself with a result of utter nothingness.

for the first time in your life, you felt hopeless, and you didn't have the forest to depend on.

making your way through the ravaged sea of battle, you let out a gasp of relief at the sight of your father scurrying off of an ilu and onto the surface of a large bolder within the water.

your twin shouted out for the man from his spot on the front of the ilu the five of you rested on, raising a hand to alert the man of your presence while slowing to an edged stop.

fire and smoke smothered the air around you, and as you helped your older brother off of the sea creature and onto the surface of the rock, you felt like choking on the contaminated oxygen slipping into your lungs.

"it's neteyam, he's hurt!" lo'ak exclaimed while the five of you worked to make it up onto the rough platform, sharp waves attempting to slow your movements as they crashed against the teen's body.

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