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"Where is your friend anyway?" he asked as he lit himself a cigarette. "She got pissed and drove off." i sighed as i took a long hit from my cigarette . Bill had a confused look on his face. "She shouldn't be driving she's way to drunk." i said. "Not more drunk than you." Bill joked. He was right. i couldn't stand or walk by myself, i was slurring all my words and everything was spinning. I couldn't keep my eyes open.
"Would you like me to take you home?" He asked. I nodded as i put out my cigarette .
"Okay, stay here, i'll be right back" he promised. He walked back into the bar and came out a few minutes later with the other guy that looked like him. "This is Tom. My twin brother." Bill announced. i smiled and drunkenly waved. Then Bill held me by my waist as he led me to the back seat of his sleek black car.
I laid my head against the window starring into the dark midnight sky. "Sie ist sehr schön" Tom whispered to Bill.
"She's german you idiot" Bill laughed.
I closed my eyes as we sped off. I guess i had fallen asleep, because i woke up to Bill standing outside the car door shaking me awake with Tom behind him. I sat up quickly rubbing my eyes. "Here let me help you." Bill said as he lifted me to my feet out of the car. As i stood up. i adjust my purse onto my shoulder. Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the night, i realized that this was not my house. "What the fuck?" I exclaimed. Tom and Bill both looked at me confused. "This isnt my house!" i shouted "Oh, i'm sorry. You didn't tell me your address so i figured you could crash here tonight." Bill tried to explain. I was too drunk to care for his excuses. "Take me home now you creep!" I spat. "Brit please let me explain!" Bill said. "You kidnapped me!" I spat again. We argued back and forth for while. But eventually, Bill convinced me to come inside just for a little while. I finally agreed and he showed me to his bedroom.
"Here, you can borrow this shirt of mine and these sweatpants to sleep in, the bathroom is right there and here's a hairbrush if you need it." I nodded and slipped off my dress without waiting for him to leave the room. I threw on his shirt and boxers they were a little lose on me, but very comfy.
"Would you like something to eat or drink?" Bill asked. i didn't answer, i just plopped onto his bed onto my stomach. It was so comfy. The sheets were satin, with a thick black fur blanket and matching satin pillows. It was way better than my creaky thin bed at my apartment.
as i got cozy under the covers, Bill slipped into the bed next to me. "You can stay here awhile if you want to." he said. "What do you mean?" i asked in confusion. "I know we only just met, but i really like you and if you ever wanted to stay here or something you can." he said. Still confused, i just nodded and rolled over. Why would i stay here? He is so kind, but i have no need to stay here.
The next morning i wake up to the smell of sweet coffee, and waffles. I sat up against the head board and rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the morning light. Just then, Bill walked into the room with a plate and a cup of coffee. "Good morning!" He said with a sweet smile. He handed me the plate, then the coffee and sat next to me on the bed. It was my favorite, chocolate chip waffles. They smelled amazing. "Did you sleep okay?" Bill asked, breaking the silence. "Yeah, this bed is so comfy!" I replied. I had never slept so good in my life.
Once i finished my breakfast i stood up to bring the dishes to the kitchen. When i stood up, my head started pounding. I grabbed my head and let out a sharp exhale. "Are you okay?!" Bill asked in a worried tone. "Yeah, i'm fine. Just hungover i guess." i said. My head felt like it went through a blender for hours. I tried to ignore it and walked into the kitchen, i walked to the sink and began scrubbing my plate. Then a man with short hair and glasses came around the corner.
"Who are you?" He asked in a stern but quiet voice. "I-i'm Britta." I said nervously. He raised his brow at me and continued walking.
I walked back to Bill's room and asked him who that guy was. He said that him and Tom live with their 2 friends Georg and Gustav. I guess Gustav was the one i had just met in the kitchen.
"Britta. i have to ask you something." Bill started. i looked at him with full attention. "I want you to stay here. With me." He finished. I sat in shock for a moment. "Like, live with you?"" i asked. He nodded and fiddled with his fingers like a nervous little kid. "I really like you, i can't get you off my mind and i don't want to lose you." he admitted. I continued sitting in silence, still in shock from his request.
"I, um. I think you're great but we've only met last night." i said. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right. i'm sorry. i'm such an idiot." Bill said. The awkward tension was growing immensely. We both sat in silence for a minute before Bill got up and went to the kitchen to join Tom and the others. I sat on his bed thinking about his odd request. We just met last night and he already wants to live with me? But i also really like him. I think that if i got to know him more i would be okay with staying. But what about Cassie?

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