part one

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Take was an omega and he hid it he hid it so well that everyone thought he was a beta

Alphas;have strong seats that smell like there personality and it attacked there soulmate. They are at the top of society and they strong and very clever, they are very social, they can be cold mean or/and a power abuser. Everyone hates them but can't do anything as they are at the top. They also go into runts every month. They can mark omegas and betas but they tend to go for omegas. They have marks on different parts of there body to show they are an alpha when mated they pass this on to the mate. Alphas are males in the rare few are women. (So 65% of society are Alphas and 15% are females)

Omegas: they have a sweet sent and it attracts every alpha that can smell it. They are sweet and loyal, they are constantly at the bottom, they are taught that they were house wife's and they are to do as the alpha askes even if they don't want to. Men omegas are able to get pregnant and it more rare for a male to be a omega than a woman. (15% of society is omegas and 5% is male omegas) Omegas are more forgetfulness and clumsy.

Betas: they are dull sented and are kinda cold to everyone they are second in society and are more likely to marry each other that anyone from a different rank.

Solemates: it's rare to find ur but you can have one or more but that is rar

And this is my wattpad and I am making takemichi an omega


I mean everyone thought he was a beta and they do till one day changed all that.

~~that day~~

Thay were all hanging out at takemichi house and were chatting about random things and they could not focused normally as a sweet smell filled the room with a blonde boy stopped talking and looked at the floor trying not to make eye contact with enyone they started to connect the dots and the first to be effected by it was rin and ran and they started to hint to the other about what was going on they soon all got effected and then one ting led to another and the next morning take expected to wake up to them arguing about random things but this time was to make some thing for take before he woke up.

He wasn't tho, he woke up to the sound of silences he walked out of his room well he struggled out of the room to a quiet house.

He know this wasn't right so he rung his best friend up and her girlfriend and they were right over

H: what do you mean you had sex then and then woke up alone like it never happened

E: I think it's exactly what he said it is but are you sure it was my brother and his friends

T: yes I went into my heat yesterday and they were all here and one thing led to another and we had sex but I woke up all alone.

E: okay why don't you stay here till you are better we will send someone over every meal time so you don't get hungry, we can tell your teachers so they can send you the work so you don't fall behind. Okay

T: I like that idea but what about my partners or mates

H: we could tell they you moved away and if they show up here we'll get you a wig to make it so you are someone else.
And don't let anyone in unless it's me, Emma or noero (sorry I don't remember how to spell his name) and you can leave the house but you have to wear a wig

T: okay I like this plan

This when on for a week till take started to fall very ill but it wasn't normal hina had the idea to get him tested and take has no idea what's going on as he skipped sex ed so he won't know.

He took the test and it came back positive they told take what it means and he was over joyed.

He stayed off school for a year and no one know what is going on, his mates tried to see him but he put on a wig and in his best girl voice he spoke to the

T: H-hello

M: hi do you know where takemichi is

T:you mean the nice boy who you used to live here I haven't seen him since he helped us move in.

D: what do you mean us it a one bedroom (my au he lives alone but his parents send him tons of cash) I know you don't have a partner as ur sent is still visible to us so who is us.

Takemichi reviled a baby bump of 5 months but the bump looks nine months

Ri: we are so sorry to disturb you and ur time but my question is why don't you have a mate.

T: Mine left me when he found out I was pregnant he didn't say anything just gone I haven't seen him but I don't miss him and I am happy I don't have someone else to drag along in life.

Ra: do you know were we can find him.(takemichi)

T: no sorry.

M: it's okay thanks for the help but before we go do omegas feel shitty if there solemate leaves them

T: yes we do and it's worse if you are pregnant

M: last time you saw him was

T: last month when I finished moving in

M: was he pregnant

T: he looked it yes

M: thanks sorry for disturbing you

They left and the boys started to walk away

D: Mikey what was that

M: just drawing a ruff sketch of how screwed we are if we see him again

D: what do you mean

M: do you think he is going to tell us back in to his and our kids life after what we did to him. We are never going to see him again or our kids.

They now fully relized how unlikely it is he has them back.


So this is a ruff story of my au

Also the people there that could be the father of the kids are:
(I can't spell there names so sorry)
Mikey, Darek, Rin, Ran, Sanzu, chifuyu, baji, and izana

So hope you enjoyed bye
(1104 words)

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