
This has been one of my favorite holiday seasons of all time. I'm not sure if it's because I have a serious girlfriend now, but that's definitely enhanced the atmosphere of the festivities this year.

One of my favorite things lately has been putting a fire in my fireplace and curling up on the couch with Sabrina, hot chocolate, and our favorite blanket. We've been having a lot of movie nights, perfect for winter time.

Sabrina lays her head on my shoulder, and I tighten my arm around her.

"Comfy?" I ask.

"Mmhmm," she says. "I could stay like this forever."

"Me too, baby," I say. "I love spending time with you."

Sabrina reaches over and takes my hand in hers. "This has been the best time of my life so far. I can't wait to see all of the adventures we'll have this next year."

"Especially our Australia trip."

"And Florida for spring break," she says.

"Hopefully The Netherlands in August," I say. That's where the Olympics are being held next year.

"I sure hope so," Sabrina says. "I think my family might be going to Colombia in May or June for a couple of weeks. I'm sure they'd love for you to come with us. You'd get to meet all of my cousins, and my grandparents on my dad's side. Big family, and they're all kind of crazy, but I have no doubt that they'll love you."

"How many cousins do you have?" I ask.

Sabrina laughs. "A lot. My dad has six siblings, and most of them have at least three kids. I told you, our family is humongous."

"I can't wait to meet them all," I say.

The next week or so is pretty jam-packed with family holiday parties and get togethers. Whether that's Sabrina's family, my family, or friends getting together before the official holiday.

We spend Christmas Eve with my parents, and then Christmas Day is very hectic. Brunch at my grandparents' house, lunchtime spent at Sabrina's parents house, and then the hour drive up to Wisconsin to spend the rest of the day at her grandparents' house. It was a busy day, but it was full of laughter, love, and joyful memories being made.

"I think I'm having a food baby," Sabrina says, patting her stomach. We're currently at Taytum's apartment, hanging out with Laynie, Andrew, and Taytum. Yesterday was Christmas. "I've eaten so much food the past two days."

"Me too," I say, patting my own stomach. "I guess we're having twins, Sabrina."

Taytum and Andrew both laugh. "You guys are so funny," Taytum says.

"What do you guys think the next year will be like?" Sabrina asks.

"Lots of travel," Taytum says. "Since I'll finally be done with school, I'll have so much more time for work. For projects, and for travel content. I'm so excited to finally have a new stage of life after college."

Andrew looks right to Laynie, and they share a sibling telepathy moment and smile. Everyone in the room besides Taytum knows that he's proposing to her once she graduates this semester. We're already so excited for them.

I lean my head on Sabrina's shoulder and fall asleep. "I'm not gonna be hungry again for a million years," I say. "But I definitely could use some more of my mom's pumpkin dip."

Everyone laughs.

"Miles, you're always hungry. I don't know what you're on about," Taytum says.

"He had a pretty good nap after Thanksgiving," Sabrina says. "He laid his head in my lap and fell asleep for four hours. I just watched movies on his couch until he woke back up."

I laugh. "You're too comfy, babe. I felt safe and my stomach was full and warm."

"I know. It was so cute," Sabrina says. "You get extra cuddly when your stomach's full."

"He used to always fall asleep on our grandparents' couch on holidays, after everybody ate," Taytum says.

"Awww," Sabrina says. "Classic baby Miles. I love hearing stories about him as a kid."

"My parents have plenty of those," I say.

"I know. They always show me old videos of you."

"Laynie, have you heard anything from Sam?" Taytum asks.

Laynie smiles. "Actually, I did. He sent me a care package. I sent one back to him yesterday. It was sweet."

"Awww," Sabrina says. "True love."

Laynie laughs now. "Shush, Sab. We really don't have any plans at the moment, since he'll be in Europe until the year after next."

"You can't just go visit him?" Andrew asks.

"No, Drew," Laynie says. "His school schedule is insanely busy. Plus, I wouldn't even be allowed to stay with him. They have a policy that you have to go to the university to stay in the buildings there. No outside guests allowed."

"That stinks," Andrew says. "Laynie, I'm sorry. I know how much Sam means to you. That's gotta be difficult."

"As long as I focus on school, and work, I try not to think about it too much. Then whenever the two of us do get in touch, it feels more special."

"That's so sweet," Taytum says. "I can't imagine what long distance is like. I know how Reese gets when she's away from Dominic for too long. It's hard on her."

"Poor girl," Sabrina says. "I can barely go a night without Milo. I can't sleep if he's not with me. He's like my teddy bear."

"Are you guys getting more excited for Australia?" Taytum asks. "Cause I can't freaking wait."

"I'm pumped," I say. "We're staying in the same town where my parents honeymooned. They said it's wonderful there."

"The only part I'm not excited for is the twenty two hour flight," Sabrina says. "Other than that, I am so excited."

"At least they give us food," I say. "Three meals."

"Of course you're still thinking about food," Taytum says. "There's leftovers in the fridge if you want something. I think there's some desserts in there."

"Thank you, Tay Tay," I say, getting up. "Anybody else need anything?"

Everyone groans. We did eat a lot of food at my grandparents' house today. Post Christmas leftover parties are all the rage in my family.

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