Chapter 02

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The following morning, Wei Wuxian awakened with a body sore from the impact of Zidian's lash and the intensity of his duel with Lan Wangji. His head throbbed relentlessly, but he summoned his resolve and made his way to the dining room to join his siblings. To his chagrin, the Lan brothers were already present, prompting Wei Wuxian to roll his eyes in exasperation.

He noticed Yanli seated next to Lan Xichen, who had assumed Wei Wuxian's usual spot. Jiang Cheng occupied the seat next to Lan Wangji on the opposite side. Wei Wuxian decided to sit between the engaged couple, deliberately releasing a subtle hint of his pheromones to unsettle the alphas. He couldn't resist the temptation to tease them, fully aware of their formidable self-restraint. Fortunately, neither their parents nor Lan Quiren were in the room, as they were engrossed in planning for the upcoming grand event.

Wei Wuxian scrutinized Lan Wangji's reaction, watching as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, appearing to hold his breath. A devious smirk played on Wei Wuxian's lips, while Jiang Cheng merely rolled his eyes. In contrast, Lan Xichen responded with a polite smile and used his chopsticks to place a piece of pork in Wei Wuxian's rice bowl.

With his eyes half-closed in amusement, Wei Wuxian addressed Lan Xichen with blunt curiosity, "What do you want?"

"Wei Wuxian, I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you privately after breakfast, if you would grant me that honor," Lan Xichen replied, surprising everyone in the room.

Jiang Cheng rose abruptly, his hand slamming onto the table. "What do you mean? You're marrying my sister, and now you want alone time with my brother?"

Maintaining his composure, Lan Xichen offered a soft smile. "Jiang Wanyin, I merely wish to have a conversation with your brother to reassure him that your sister will be in good hands. That is all," he explained, attempting to diffuse the mounting tension, though Jiang Cheng's protective instincts remained palpable.

Sensing the rising discord, Wei Wuxian stood up, positioning himself between Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen. "I'll talk to him, A-Cheng. It's okay. And if I don't like what he has to say, I'll just give him a piece of my mind. Alright?" Wei Wuxian beamed brightly at Jiang Cheng, who eventually settled back into his seat, resuming his meal. Lan Wangji's eyes lingered on Wei Wuxian's smile, but when Lan Xichen cleared his throat, Lan Wangji quickly averted his gaze.

Wei Wuxian turned to Yanli, his voice filled with unwavering determination. "I'll make sure he's a good husband for you, and if not, I'll scare him away. You don't need to worry," he reassured her, gently tapping her nose in a familiar, affectionate gesture they had shared throughout their years together.

Later, as Wei Wuxian and Lan Xichen strolled along the familiar paths of Lotus Pier, a contemplative silence enveloped them. Lan Xichen was the first to break the quietude, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "I'm aware of her feelings for someone else," he admitted, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "I have a close connection with Jin Xixuan and understand the depth of their affection for each other. This marriage isn't born of love. If your sister doesn't wish for my advances, I won't force them. I understand that you genuinely care for her and want to protect her from harm. I promise to take good care of her. The Jin Clan would never permit her union with Xixuan. She will find safety with me."

Wei Wuxian furrowed his brow, his curiosity mingling with a trace of concern. "Safe from what, exactly? Why must our sects join forces? What's happening?"

Lan Xichen sighed, distancing himself from Wei Wuxian as his gaze turned towards the sky. "The Wen Clan's influence is growing, and we have recently discovered their involvement in demonic cultivation. We need to ensure our readiness for whatever may come."

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