The Sea Snake

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Only this time the sitting monarch didn't even bother with the pretense of choice and forced all the high lords to swear obeisance to his daughter.

Corlys had tried to bridge the gap between their two houses when he proposed his daughter wed the king.

There was no better candidate in the realm. Laena was of pure valyrian descent. The blood of Aemon. And smarter and more well spoken than any girl in court.

But once again Viserys showed his complete disregard for both politics and rationality. He chose the daughter of the Hand Otto Hightower.

He had no issue with the girl herself, but her father had overreached. A second son could offer nothing to the crown. Certainly not anything comparable to the might of the royal navy which is comprised of the Sea Snake's own ships. Or the wealth of Driftmark.

It was an absurdity of the highest order. And so like Viserys he laughed and fumed in equal measure.

He left King's Landing and the seat of Master of Ships that very night.

He didn't expect to return all these years later and negotiate another marriage proposal between his granddaughter and the king's first born son.

How the Gods love to play their strings.


"Lord Corlys Velaryon and princess Rhaenys Targaryen, your grace, my lord."

Having been presented to their hosts by Ser Lorent Marbrand, Corlys and Rhaenys take the adjoining seats on Queen Alicent's right and across from her father Ser Otto, Hand of the king.

That should be my seat. And Laena should've been Queen.

Would that make a difference he wonders.
Does his ego truly fool him into thinking that godsforsaken king wouldn't have laid babe after babe in her until she died here was well.
Just like the late Queen Aemma before denying his grandsons the throne without cause.

"Princess Rhaenys, Lord Corlys. We would like to thank you for attending the wedding of my beloved daughter Helaena. It's our hope that all mybchildren be blessed with joyful unions."

The Sea Snake was understandably suprised at learning of the marriage between the warden of the North and the princess Helaena.

He could see the merit of tying a kingdom into your rule by blood. But it was such an obvious attempt that the lack of reaction from Daemon and Rhaenyra left him disappointed he ever considered following his son's former wife.

If she truly believed her father won at the Great Council merely due to his sex - and he doubts she does - then she isn't prepared enough to challenge her brother's claim. Not her cousin or uncle but brother.

If she believes that the Council was controlled by the Maesters and Hightowers by proxy, then she's still woefully in need of allies. The Stormlands and now the North are bound to Aegon's cause and she has nothing.

Otto, his gaze steady and calculating, spoke with a honeyed voice that concealed the depths of his ambitions. "Lord Corlys, we come before you today with a proposal that could strengthen the bonds between our houses. We propose a betrothal between your granddaughte Lady Baela and prince Aegon."

Corlys had guessed the reason of their impromptu correspondence at first glance. They used euphemisms and conjecture to avoid outright treason in case the missive was intercepted by spies or used as proof in court.

Not that they could be given a fair hearing. The Red Keep is under Green influence first and formesost. But one can never be too careful when ambition and intrigue are involved.

Dream Of Winter | C. Stark & H. TargaryenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora