New Meeting

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Me and Sayori talked about classes, the school festival or anything trivial until we walked, or in Sayori's case skipped into the school. We went inside each of our classrooms and I sat down in my chair thinking about what I had to do that day, Sayori's smiling face popped inside my head and my face blushed intensely.
- Umm... excuse me, your face is turning really red - I heard a voice that sounded familiar, I looked at the girl and my face darkened... Monika, the girl that, even though I couldn't blame for her actions (I knew it was my fault and mine only) almost caused my friends, OUR friends to disappear without a trace. I immediately knew what I had to do.
- I'm good, thanks. Wait, you're Monika, the leader of the literature club, right? - I saw her expression becoming surprised - My friend, Sayori talked to me about the club and I felt interested in joining - I didn't let her feel confused as to why I knew her, that would be kind off embarrassing for both of us.
- Oh, is that so? Well, we did need new members, We'll all be in the club room at 4:00 pm - She said with a small grin that made me shiver... I wanted to forget, but I couldn't, all I could do was nod and distract myself from her until four o'clock.
When the final bell rung I took my school bag and stood in front of the red door with a book painted on it. I took a deep breath, opened it and entered the club room.
- Noah, You came!!! - Sayori basically yelled and I heard another voice say
- For goodness sake Sayori, my ears are going to explode if you keep screaming around!! - I knew that voice. Natsuki, the pink haired "tsundere" girl was standing there with an angry expression. Natsuki was the girl I payed the most attention to in my first time just because I found her "appealing". I'm grossed out by myself because of it, I didn't even know her but I let my dirty mind get a hold of me, causing her death, all of their deaths.
I felt the breakfast I ate going up my throat but I had to act normal. For them...
- N-Natsuki, you d-don't have to be so m-mean - Another girl stuttered, I recognized her as well, Yuri was in her desk with a book on her hands, I treated her badly, not as badly as I treated Sayori, but still... both of them committed suicide because of me, and I fucking hated myself because of it. Even if I wanted to put the blame on Monika.
- Noah, are you... ok? - The club leader whispered in my ear, I noticed I had started to shake and snapped out of it
- Yeah, I'm perfectly fine, just recovering from a cold - I lied with a plastered smile on my face.
I had to make things right, for me, for Sayori... For everyone.

Hello, author talking over here, I know my chapters are kinda short, but I'm working on it to my abilities. Just some disclaimers before advancing the story.
- I'll update once a week if possible, if I can't I'll leave a chapter to say when I will post the next :)
- I know many of you think of MC as a piece of s##t; but I thought making him accountable for his actions would make him more appealing to you guys (So pls don't send hate just because he's a good person, I've seen it happen to other writers like me)
- Yes, I support Sayori x MC. But I also support Yuri x Natsuki. So if you're uncomfortable with LGBTQ+ relationships I suggest not reading certain chapters (I will put a warning on them)
- And last but not least. Please tell me if you want certain scenes or ideas in the story, if they make sense with the narrative, I'll add them to this proyect.

That's all, please enjoy. Author_San

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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