The Hybrid: Chapter Seven

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Palaven was a dark place and seeing so many turians in one area made Shepard feel a little uneasy. Garrus was home now but he wanted nothing to do with anyone here. To know that they helped fund the piece of shit they're after made Garrus feel nothing towards his home planet anymore. He stayed focused on the mission: finding information about the man who was taking the turian children. He helped Shepard and Thane get past the security at the Palaven docks and once they were inside the base, Garrus took the lead. Past the shopping plazas and many turian homes, they found the elevator that would lead down to the basement floor; this is where the security personnel would be.

"They'll have evidence," He told Shepard.

"Good," Was all she could say. She was already looking forward to this mission being over. She didn't feel safe or comfortable here. The turians would glare at her, scoff at her human form. They would say racial slurs under their breath and it took everything inside of her not to pull the trigger and start another war. Shepard made it known to Garrus and Thane that they were to find the information on the children and leave as soon as they could. Thane agreed, suggesting that Shepard should keep her head held up high just for a little bit longer. Thane didn't like to see his Commander in pain, especially by those who want to take the galaxy by the reigns and make it their own.

"Commander Shepard?"

The elevator doors opened to a turian in front of them standing at attention. His uniform told them that he was the man in charge. They all saluted the man, even though Shepard would much rather come in guns blazing at this moment. Shepard kept a mental note not to mess with this man. Just get the information, and get out. It sounded simple but exhaustion was starting to set in from a few days without sleep and it was leaving her and her team in a vulnerable position.

"You made it," The turian comments, they were able to stand at ease now. He indicated to them to follow. The two turian guards on either side of him, both wearing the same face paint, walked alongside him and they too had guns. Everyone in this building had guns. Shepard, Garrus, and Thane followed the turians into a more secluded area. The security around the room was tight. Cameras were everywhere, guards were on high alert, and Thane even spotted a torrent gun in the corner of the room pointed toward them. Shepard sighed while the door behind them closed. They were in an office surrounded by windows and the man took a seat behind his rather large desk; the desk was bare save for the papers that were neatly pulled together with paper clips and a picture frame. Shepard couldn't make out what it was a photo of or who was in it, but she would assume that it was his family.

I wonder if he gave his child up for this cause.

"I know what you are here for," The man motioned for Shepard to take a seat. She glanced at Garrus and Thane; they took a step back to show that they were not a threat. She pulled out the chair and sat down.

"Let's skip the formalities," The turian leaned forward, his elbows on his desk with his hands folded together, "you're here about Dr. Heart's "experiments" right?" The turian made air quotes with his fingers while saying the word "experiments".

Garrus noticed the gesture and knew that that told everyone in the room the kind of lies Dr. Heart was starting to spread. Shepard already knew that she was wasting her time here. The man had people wrapped around his finger.

"I don't know what you heard, Commander, but we see no problem in this. We are, in the end, in a war that is going to clean out the galaxy, or did you forget that?"

Shepard wanted to spit in the man's face, draw out her gun, and blow his head clean off. Instead, she sat there poker-faced with her leg bouncing out of nervousness. Her eyes darted to the windows, wanting to leave this room. It seemed as though the walls were closing in on her. Garrus noticed the panic radiating from Shepard, but he continued looking at the General who was spouting nonsense. They were all growing bored of this.

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