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Victor adjusted his stance. He's attempting to keep an eye on his Uncle while he faces Ocean at the same time. This is not a wise choice. I'm certain of that. Victor might be strong. He might be the strongest ever, but those two are not in any way weak.

One, or the other, Victor could probably deal with each of them, but not both of them.

"Get back," I whimpered. "You're out matched," I whisper. I don't want him to hear me, but I do want him to get back and to know that he's outmatched.

Then quit being a spectator and be the change.

I heard the voice in my head, and I know whose voice it is.

It's mine.

I look at my palm, and the purple blue energy is there, swirling around as a ball of chaos. "More," I tell it, and it grows dark, changing to black and red. Then it spreads, covering my body. I'm engulfed in the flames of my power.

"Get away from her," some wise soul said from behind me. I can hear them stumbling back as I stand up from kneeling at the railing. Raven wings, huge and full and black stretch out and then flap — sending me into the air above, and then they fold to dive into the fray below.

Ocean has knocked Victor back into the stone wall, which cracked with the impact of my lover's body. Ocean charges Victor again, just as I land in front of him — and in a shower of black and red light from my wings dissolving, I snatched Ocean up by his neck, hold him for a moment, then toss him back into the heavy wood door, which cracks on impact.

Ocean is up fast. He looks me over, "Avatar," he growls, and then in a more certain voice, he said, "I don't think we've met." His voice becomes polite, wary. He bows at his waist, "My name is Ocean, and you are...?"

"Not to be trifled with," I told him, and turned to Uncle Max, as he charged at me from my right. His eyes are tormented by the madness in his mind. As he comes near I can see that madness — I see it as a red and black thread, tangled up inside his skull.

"That's mine," I said, and from my hand poured out a blast of Mana in a black and red bolt, which struck him in the chest. He stumbles, grasping for me, but he goes down to his knees. The madness in his eyes fades.

Stepping forward I snatched the thread I saw, which I am certain is at the heart of Uncle Max's madness. I can see it churning through his brain, with a power very near my own. "So this is what the change gave you." I smiled, and kissed his forehead. "Greedy to take what is not yours. Hold still."

I'm teasing him. My voice is low and sultry. My clothing is different. I was wearing pants and a linen blouse. Now I'm in a black and red dress. A short one. With lace. Black. Lots of lace going up my arms and around my body.

"Alicja?" Victor asked.

"Yes, one moment dear. I need to finish this," I told him, and then I pulled the tangled thread of Mana out of Uncle Max's mind.

As soon as it plinked out, he shuddered and collapsed. Then he sat back up and stared at me. "It's gone. I can't feel it anymore. The madness is gone."

"Shit," Ocean cursed behind me. "Perfect contract gone to waste. I'm out of here."

"Hold," I tell him, turning to face his direction. "That's not the first contract you've had like this."

"No, it's not. Thank you, and good night," he said, and exited through the broken main doors.

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